I have, once again, been
privy to the opportunity to slide into the old ideals and bad
doctrines and, once again, I have found myself dragged right smack
into the very thing GOD has showed me HE is not happy about. I am
loath to say that I had the opportunity to speak, at a time when I
most needed to speak, and was instead pulled into the current of
worldly concerns and humanist efforts.
I was once a wanna be
politician. I am just smart enough to see things that are wrong and
creative enough to see ways to deal with them. Like many (or really
ALL) of our politicians, my insights and ideas are based in my
understanding and human logic and are to be done in human power. That
is the problem. Isn't it?
As a human being, I am not
blind tot he plight on man. I see the disintegration of the physical
world around me and I think I can do something about it. I want to do
something about it.
I was just at a ministerial
fellowship meeting that was intended to be an effort to bring 4
different ministerial fellowships that had divided long ago, back
together to work as one. Unity is a wonderful goal. An explanation of
the reason for the split was given (which were human reasons based in
worldly concerns) and it was clear that all those in the room wanted
to work together and be a force for a common goal. There in lies the
The discussion was started
by telling how the city had lost a $28,000,000.00 grant to rebuild a
portion of the city because there was no cohesive group involved with
acquiring the grant. Then the discussion went from there and was all
about creating a political action group and had absolutely nothing to
do with JESUS and bringing the blessings of GOD back to the city and
the nation.
I was struck by that
reality, right after the end of the meeting as I stepped out of the
room. Unfortunately, not be fore I tossed my voice into the
conversation by making a comment that continued them down the same
path that runs rapidly away from the precepts of GOD and the very
message I have been teaching for 10 years. I was once again captured
by humanism and the idea of unity. I had my chance and I didn't even
see it, let alone take it.
All I had to do was to
stand up and ask, “Where is JESUS in this conversation?” That
would have been it. We could have then, possibly, started down the
path of determining how we could work together for the kingdom of
GOD. But, NNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I was caught in the flow, on the band
wagon, marching in step with a group of ministers who had no thought
to GOD or HIS power and plans. I was once again one of THEM.
I am ashamed. I am
embarrassed. I am angry with myself and really torqued at Satan and
how he twists every good thing into something evil.
This meeting was another
evil in a long line of evils. Perhaps the most evil aspect, which I
thankfully was not blind to, was that there were some there
advocating that those who GOD has separated unto Himself as Holy
before HIM, should mingle themselves with those of the religions of
Satan and the spirit of anti-christ. Because humanism has not spiritual component.
What fellowship has the
light with darkness? How can one even hope to bring the blessings of
GOD to the city when we are so humanist in our thinking that we can
mingle that which is Holy and that which is abomination. If you are
not striving to bring people to CHRIST, then you are striving against
HIM. How can a people who should know they need to do as GOD has
said, to have HIS blessing, want to bring those who are against
CHRIST into an effort. If our focus is not on the glorification of
JESUS and reflecting back to GOD what HE does to save our city and
nation, then there will be no power from GOD and there will be no
I feel as if I have let
people down who know the truth. I feel I have let those people who
were there down, who don't know the truth. I let me down. If GOD were
a man, that HE wouldn't have known what I was going to do (And had it
to be so as part of HIS plan) I would say I let HIM down. But, I know
my JESUS. I know that this is yet another lesson in why we must be
fully prayed up and ready for battle at all times. I am more keenly
aware today, then I was yesterday. Perhaps I will be even more so
tomorrow. I entered the lions den unprepared. I was focused on the
past and the stories of why these ministry associations had divided,
and I was not focused on JESUS. I did not come to do battle with
Satan because I came under a flag of peace and unity. I will not be
so blinded next time. I hope.
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