Friday, February 20, 2015

Creation vs evolutionism

        I regularly like to delve into the sciences. I enjoy a search for the truth as much as the next guy. So, I often revisit creation science and the latest in evolutionary guess work. Lately, what I have found in the current text books of our schools is an intentional effort to bolster the hypothesis of evolution with what can only be describes as blatant lies in the text books.
        In a concerted, and organized effort, our children are being indoctrinated into a belief system that has no scientific evidence to support it. In it's earlier stages, evolution was just set out there as an idea to replace God. Many of the first proponents that followed Darwin, fabricated evidence to support the notion that we evolved from lower forms of life.
        The most notable was a man named Ernst Haeckel who created a chart of the drawings of embryos of different animals. He said the embryos showed that all animals went through the stages of evolution during their formative time in the womb. In 1874 this man was put on trial for falsifying his data. He admitted that he did it because there wasn't any evidence to prove Darwin's theory. He also taught people that embryos have gill slits. 45 million abortions later and not a gill slit to be seen. These drawings and false teachings are still in your child's biology text books today, even though all of the scientific community knows it is a lie.

           If you look in your child's text book, you will also see a chart of apes progressing into humans. Yet, most of those figures in the text book do not exist, the bent over deformed humans are old men with arthritis. The Neanderthal is a human being they added hair to.
           Then you have the Geologic column. A non-existent fabrication that is used to explain how different layers of rock show different time periods in earth history. Did you know, they date fossils based on what layer they are found in and date the layers based on what fossils are found in them? Do you know that sediment laid down by flood water will make the same layers and bury animals in the same divisions?
           All of the geological formations, the fossils, the shape of the continents, the formation of mountains, and the seas can all be dealt with by extrapolating exactly what happens in a catastrophic flood. The Bible holds all the answers to the questions.
            Now, I know you have been told over and over again that all of this took billions of years and dinosaurs died out millions of years ago, but it just isn't true. There are too many proofs.
Do you know that man made items are found in coal deposits. Think about that. According to your science books, coal was laid down millions of years before man walked on the Earth. How is it that there can be man made items in the middle of coal deposits? How can trees be petrified standing straight up through layers of coal and rock and then coal again? Did you know that fossils are only formed it the animal is buried quickly? They can't sit on the surface of the Earth for millions of years waiting for that layer of rock to form.
           Many Christian folk get tripped up by these lies that are told to your kids. Even more are tripped up by the expansion of these lies told in Collage, where peer pressure mocks their Christian beliefs. I can tell you that I have, many times, tried to filter my understanding of the Bible through the filter of the science of the age. But, I came to realize that the Bible really is the authority and that I needed to filter the science of the age through the filter of the Bible. Those things that seem to present a problem for the Bible almost always prove to be fabrications of the minds of people who grasp at anything that allows them to reject the idea of being accountable to a higher power. Men want to fulfill the lust of their flesh without consequence.

The teaching of evolution has dehumanized humanity. It has lead to mass murder and genocide. It is dangerous and needs to go away. Not for religious reasons. Because it is not true. I will write more on the danger of evolutionary theory next week.

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