Saturday, June 6, 2015

Christians Against Homosexuals

Christians against other Christians. Christians against transsexuals. Christians against atheists. Christians against Muslims.

JESUS said, “Go into all the world and make disciples. IF anyone doesn't receive me, form yourself into gangs and bully them into submitting to the laws I have set you free from”, NEVER. JESUS never said to do this. This is not part of HIS plan. I do not recognize JESUS in any of the actions of the Christian Right these days. In fact, there is no place JESUS ever suggested battling against people at all. YET...

Sadly, I belong to a denomination that believes this is what Christians should do. In fact, they seem to be the ones most effected, or infected, by this spirit.

What spirit is it? It is the spirit that tempted David to do a census of Israel. It is the spirit behind the inquisitions. It represents Hitler more than it does JESUS. It is a spirit that says to put your faith and trust in the size of your gang.

Whether it is writing and passing resolutions (by majority vote and ignoring those who vote no, ignoring the fracturing of the assembly) or by pushing the government and courts, ignoring those who disagree, the so called “Christian” right has rejected anything that is of CHRIST in favor for human understanding and plans. In the end, this will cause the very thing they are trying to prevent. By giving Satan such a stronghold in our convention, we have opened a door where Satan can use his media to shine a light on his work of division and hate and intolerance that he does in the name of JESUS.

GOD is the only one who can change the course of this nation. GOD is not a genie. HE is not at the beck and call of HIS people. HE doesn't follow their plans. HE doesn't have their agenda. They are supposed to follow HIS plans. They are supposed to have HIS agenda. When they choose to go it alone, that is exactly what HE lets them do.

The one group of people who should be speaking peace are those who want to be called the “Children of GOD”. “Blessed are the peacemakers” is a principal carried out through the entire teaching of the Biblical writers ever since JESUS said it. “Live at peace with all men” “turn the other cheek” “go the extra mile” Give more than you have been asked for.

The sad part is Christian are creating the very groups that will be their destruction. By abandoning the ways of CHRIST, we are creating militant atheists and homosexuals who have every reason to battle against the tyranny they perceive coming from the Christian Church. Meanwhile, the Muslims in America show themselves to be the religion of peace. They do not stick their nose into the ways of those who are not theirs. They do not battle against the spiritually lost. Why should they? If Christians are allowed to continue on their current course, they will tear America apart and the Muslims are the next heir apparent. All they have to do is wait and we will hand them the nation.

It seems so odd to me that the Christian leadership is so blind to what they are doing, and to what spirit they are serving. How can you not see that every battle you join into goes bad? How can you not know when GOD is not in the battle with you? How do you continue to do the same thing the same way over and over and over and expect a different result? How crazy is crazy?

The simple history lesson is this;

When the church numbered 12, it grew and overcame the most powerful nation, the most corrupt wickedness, the world had ever known. JESUS was with them because they followed HIS plans. The Rome made the church part of government and it stopped doing things the way JESUS had laid out and started putting its trust in its numbers and position. It felt entitled by GOD to bully those who disagreed. From that time to this very second, the church has operated exactly the same.

Current polls show that 70% of Americans claim to be Christians. Yet, there isn't enough power in them to influence to 2% that have risen up in defiance. Why? Because they do not follow the plans of JESUS.

I have read the book. I know how it ends. The fact that Christians have such a major role in the destruction of the Christian is unfortunate. But, humans do what humans do. In the end, that is reject the GOD of their salvation. It doesn't mean you are not saved by HIM. But, it does mean you do not follow HIM.

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