Monday, March 3, 2014

Peace Makers

           I want to be known as a peace maker. I want to be known as a child of GOD. I want my tombstone to reflect that GOD was what is important to me.
           I do not want to be known as an activist, or an author, or and preacher or pastor. I want to be known as a peace maker.
           I have failed at this in times past. Having been wronged by some folk I found I wanted it to be known that they wronged me. That is not what being a peace maker is.
          More than anything, I want to reflect the truth of JESUS in this world. I have no desire to be a part of this world. I want to be in this world as a representative of the kingdom I belong to. I do not want to be caught up in the affairs of men, and the concerns of this world. I only want to be focused on GOD and to focus others on GOD..
          So, I write this blog to reach the Christians I can reach. I write a book to reach the Christians I can reach. I comment on news stories and Christian Face book pages to try to get my Christian brethren to see the difference between what JESUS has told us to do and what we are doing.

          Can't we all just get along? Why does every person feel they need to force other people to live as they think is right? Why is it that we all have our way of looking at morality and determine to fight to make people live the way we think they should?

          I like Star Trek. I like the ideology of a society that simply chooses to coexist. I like that each person is free to think and believe as they choose. I think this is good for every one.

          Why don't we strive to let business owners choose how to run their business, instead of forcing our moral superiority on them? Why don't we let whomever do whatever and not try to bully them into submission?

          Why, for GOD's sake, are Christians leading the fight to disrupt peace in the world? OK, maybe just in my world. In America. Why can't we just strive for peace and love and absolute freedom without interference from the government?

          I am always going to fight against the flow of human precepts being taught as the precepts of GOD. I am always going to strive to reach my Christian brothers and unite them to embrace the sinners and spurn the pharisees. I want to follow in the footsteps of JESUS and be the man of peace that puts an end to the judgmental intolerance that has pervaded the Christian message for these past 50 years.


“Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of GOD”

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