Thursday, February 27, 2014

Forgetting The Past

Forgetting the Past

It is regularly stated that forgetting the past condemns us to repeat it. This probably is never more true than in seeing those of GOD's kingdom interact with the kingdom of this world.

Now, most of the time, I use the history of Israel and GOD from the scriptures in an effort to show how we are repeating the same pattern in the Christian churches today. However, there is a more current history that aught to shine as a beacon of truth for those who would have the church influencing the government and courts in ways that bully smaller groups of people.

A friend of mine, a number of years back, went to Belgium for a conference/synod to discuss his doctoral thesis. He came back with this story;

One Sunday he and a group of preachers were out looking for a church to attend. What they found was a few churches with chains and padlocks on the doors. So, they began to discuss amongst themselves that they could just start preaching in the street. As this discussion began, they noticed a newspaper vending machine. On the front of the paper in it was a story of a preacher who got arrested for preaching in the street.

If you have any understanding of the government of this nation, then you know that just a couple hundred years ago the government was the church. Not only did the government pass laws to control the masses, but if you had any question about doctrines or Bible interpretations, you took it to the parliament.

The lesson here seems obvious. The Church is not supposed to be passing laws and interfering in the affairs of the world. We have laws from GOD that are for HIS people. We cannot force those laws on a world and a kingdom that they are not intended for. In the end, the world will rebel and Christians will loose the freedoms they once had.

This will happen in America. This will come to pass. We Christians have established the very real fact that we need to be silenced. It is not too far away from now that there will be laws that say where we can and cannot preach the gospel or share the message. After all, it is not an infringement on our religious rights to limit where we can preach. We will still have the right to believe as we choose and teach and preach in our buildings.

This will not be an infringement on our freedom of speech. After all, we are not being told what we can and cannot say, just where we say it.

This is the legacy that we have established for our children and their children by not learning the lessons of the past. This is the foundation upon which the world will shut up those annoying Christians. We will only have ourselves to blame as we have abused our position and power in this nation and throughout the world.

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