Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Creation and "It coulda happened"

Ideas and Understanding about Creation

It coulda happened

There are those folk in the world who do not think GOD created the Earth and that in some series of random events, all of creation just came to be. The basic idea is that if you put enough chemicals together with other minerals and rocks, and leave it for a long enough period of time, it will come to life. The biggest ingredient on this belief is time.

I believe there truly are people who believe that a room full of monkeys with typewriters would write the entire works of Shakespeare, given enough time.

They sight evidence that can be seen today, add the ingredient of time, and that shows them how something "could" have happened.  Having then contrived a scenario of how things "could" have happened, they teach it to our children as if it actually did happen that way.

Throughout all of my discussions with people who believe in evolution and life originating from nothing, and the Big Bang Theory, the reality of the discussions is that these are things that "could" have happened.

This type of "science" has spawned some very militant atheists who feel it is important to undermine the faith of those who believe in GOD and creationism with the idea that the fact that something "could" have happened means GOD is no longer necessary to explain creation.

The problem with this is that our belief in GOD is not based in the physical world or the possibility that it "could" have come about in some other way. Our faith is based in the fact that GOD has revealed Himself to us and touched us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT in such a way that HE changed our nature (very being) from one who sees the world through the physical, to one who sees the world through the eyes of the spiritual. The revelation of GOD, by GOD, to HIS people is not something that can be shared with those who cannot see HIM. We can tell them about HIM, but until GOD opens the eyes, until GOD gives them ears to here, until GOD grants that they can understand, they will not.

I can no more put my faith in something that "could" have happened and is not proven to me, than an atheist can put his faith in a GOD that is not proven to them.

It has been said, and rightly so, to argue with an atheist about GOD is like arguing with a blind man about the color of a sunset.

In the end, if a person cannot see GOD, then the best they will ever have is "coulda happened" this way or that way.

I will stay with my blessed assurance that GOD created the heavens and the Earth. Because the evidence is clear that this really could not have come about in the scenarios that lead to the statement, "it coulda happened".

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