Monday, February 24, 2014

A Christian Voter

The title isn't talking about me. It is an “IN GENERAL” statement.

If you have read my blog, then you know that I cannot get on board with what Christian politicians are selling as a Christian agenda. As I have pointed out, I have read the Bible a few times, studied it for 20 years, and what I see in it simply doesn't walk with what I see Christians doing in this world.

You can read the blog on Christian gangsters and bullies. You can read the blog on Sanctity of marriage. You can read any of my blogs, or my book (when it comes out) and you will see that there is a sharp difference between what I see in the Bible and what Christians are being fed by those with a social and/or political agenda.

So, I have a problem. I cannot vote for a Christian who is running on a platform that flies in the face of the precepts of GOD and the Bible, and our founding fathers and the Constitution of America. Because, to me, this is treason against my JESUS and the kingdom to which I belong,  and against the nation of America where I currently live.

I cannot vote for a person who is not a Christian because they have no power or position to be able to bring the blessings of GOD back to this nation;

  Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Our nation is suffering from a spiritual sickness that only GOD can over come. GOD will only do this when HIS people put their faith and trust in HIM and not in government and courts. HIS blessings only come when HIS people are humble and can clearly see that they can do nothing without HIM and anything in HIM.

I have said it a dozen dozen times over and over again. GOD set down a perfect plan for how the world might go forward in it's fallen state as a relatively moral and decent place to live. HIS people needed to follow that plan, and need to return to that plan, if it is ever going to happen that we will see real prosperity of the spiritual and physical.

All of that rests not on Christians trying to force others to live the way they think they aught to, but on letting the world go about it's merry way and returning to the task GOD has given us. That task is to call HIS people out of the world and into HIS kingdom. If we do it well, then we either improve the condition of the nations for all of the people, or we reach the last person whose name is written in the book of life and JESUS returns and this creation gives way to the next.

Either way, the only thing that works is for Christians to humble themselves and pray and seek HIS face and turn from THEIR wickedness.

As always, you can reply below or you can go to my face book page and post.

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