It seems as if I have taken
for granted that Christians know that GOD is in control. I have
simply assumed that the teaching of scripture on this matter is
clear. Yet, when I mention that GOD is the one who puts rulers in
place, who establishes our president and our congress and our judges
and even chooses our parents for us, it is as if I am teach some
foreign doctrine or religion.
Daniel 4:17.
matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word
of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the
most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever
he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
king’s heart
is in
the hand of
the LORD,
as the
rivers of
water: he
turneth it
whithersoever he
And, for those who like to
discount the Old Testament;
13:1. Let
every soul
be subject
unto the
higher powers.
For there
is no power
but of God:
the powers
that be are
ordained of
God. 13:2.
Whosoever therefore
resisteth the
power, resisteth
the ordinance
of God: and
they that
resist shall
receive to
themselves damnation.
Now, why does this matter? Because, if you do not know this, then you will never seek to understand exactly why GOD is giving us the leaders HE is giving us. Since there are so many Christians who have determined that people decide who is president and who the leaders are, and that GOD exercises no control over these things things or these people, they seek to fix things by fixing the government.
Which is why we do not fall
on our face and pray and seek HIS face. We have been led, and are
being led, to think we can fix it in our own power. Since we do not
acknowledge GOD a sovereign in the affairs of men, we do not see that
our efforts are to fight against what GOD is doing. So, we enlist the
help of GOD in our fight against GOD to undo what GOD has done.
This is where humanism and
humanist doctrines have landed us. We are under the chastisement of
ALMIGHTY GOD and we think we can fix it in our strength. (“WE”
meaning Christians)
Folks, I implore you to
look into this. Learn this truth. Understand that GOD establishes our
governments so you can seek to understand what is needed to turn HIS
chastisements into blessings. Only Christians can do this. So, only
Christians can be held accountable if they do not do this.
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