Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hobby Lobby

My pastor, bless his heart, asked me a tough question about the situation facing Hobby Lobby and their current court battle. The gist of the question was, “How does what you are saying play out in the real world?” I think I could have written a whole book on this question.

Of course, that was not the question at the time. But, as I pondered our conversation, I had to grapple with the very real aspect of being Christian in this society. There is a simple scripture that I thought would help to answer this question and as I prayed and meditated on it, the LORD gave me an even deeper understanding of some things.

For those who do not know, Hobby Lobby is embroiled in a lawsuit over being forced to supply insurance that would cover certain birth control methods that their founder finds unacceptable and against his religious beliefs as a Christian. There is more to it than that and there are always additional facets to issues that make everything less black and white. Yet, as I thought about it, it really is black and white.

In the book of Romans, chapter 13, the first couple of verses, Paul writes to us a very real truth. ALL authorities are established by GOD and to resist the authorities is to resist the ordinances of GOD.

13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation
In the case of Hobby Lobby, they have chosen to resist the ordinances of GOD by choosing to resist the authorities GOD has set in place. The provisions of Obamacare include the mandate that Hobby Lobby has determined to resist and to defend themselves against.

Regardless of who or why, a lawsuit has been brought against them to force them to comply with the law established by the authorities. In short, Hobby Lobby has chosen to resist the ordinances of GOD, in the name of GOD, and have asked GOD to help them.

They will stand before an authority that is put in place by GOD and will be tried. The outcome of this trial being fully in the hands of the GOD who has established the authorities and the ordinances which are currently at odds with Hobby Lobby and it's religious beliefs. Now, I would not have you fully ignorant of the fact that there is extreme Biblical precedence for this type of resistance to authority.

In the book of Daniel there is a story of three young Hebrew boys who refuse to bow down to a golden idol even though the offense is punishable by death. If I were in the shoes of Hobby Lobby, I would reply to the judge of this case in the exact same way these young Hebrew boys replied to the king.

As a Christian who is more answerable to GOD than to men, I would place all of my hope in the mercy and power of GOD. However, Hobby Lobby is likely placing millions of dollars and a great deal of hope in some slick talking lawyers who have no power at all to affect the outcome of this lawsuit.

My response to the lawsuit would be to ask forgiveness for resisting the authorities and for mercy in the court ruling. My presentation to the judge would go something like this;

“Since I know that the authorities are established by GOD, and these current rulers are in office as a chastisement and punishment of HIS people, I accept that my resistance to the ordinances established by the current leaders of our nation is a resistance to the ordinances of my GOD.

Throughout all of God's dealings with HIS people, HE has chosen to raise up Godless men and nations to take His people into captivity. So it it is today. I, therefore, have acknowledged to God, and now to this court of law, that I stand as the young Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel. We have no defense against the charges brought other than to honor our conscience before God in the way we have chosen.

Whatever happens in this court is in the control of JESUS the CHRIST. Either He will save us from the fiery trials and deliver us from this unscathed, or He will let the full fury of the law and ordinances be felt upon us. Either way, we cannot in good conscience bow down before this king or the idols it has erected.

In times past, America has been a nation of morality and decency. It is sad to see the decay that has taken place over the last 100 years, or even the last fifty.

When this company was founded, it was operated with Christian values and principals in mind. It was started at a time when those things were celebrated. Those times have passed. With them, perhaps, the time for this company. Should it be found true and appropriate that our government should have changed so much as to force a company to fund that which is abhorrent to it's founders, then this court will establish that truth. Should this court establish that truth, then Hobby Lobby will no longer be able to continue to do business under the current rulers of the nation.

The determination of these things is in the hands of GOD. Should HE choose that Hobby Lobby continue or end, HE is to be praised and what HE determines in this courtroom will establish the future of this company.”

With that, I would give all to the hands of GOD and whatever HE decrees through the judge would be so. I know that the government and authorities are established by GOD and the current ones are there to be a chastisement for HIS people. So, even these laws, the laws that Christians wish to oppose, are from HIS hand.

It is a slippery slope when we decide GOD is no longer in control. Since HE controls everything, it is only through real humility and repentance that we will ever see HIS chastisements removed and HIS blessings returned.

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