Sunday, February 16, 2014


Scientists all over the world have come across unique creatures that cannot have "evolved" into what they are. The basis of this statement being that there is no logical evolutionary track to achieve the final product.

Bombadier Beetle

One of the most profound examples of this is the Bombardier Beetle. The Bombardier beetle is a small creature with an amazing self defense mechanism. This beetle has a storehouse of a series of chemicals that, when mixed together, create a volatile, explosive mix that it then propels out a a rear mounted cannon at an extremely high temperature to burn attackers and sometimes to take down food.

Now, the creationist who first wrote this up as proof of creation made some mistakes in his presentation and cast doubts on his conclusions. I am including a link to the evolutionist response to this scientist's claims so you can see the truth for yourself.

I am adding a quote from the explanation of how the Bombardier Beetle could have evolved based on the make up of other beetles.

Therefore, all the pre-bombardier beetle had to do was direct some of that hydrogen peroxide into its collection bladder, develop a little valve between the collection bladder and vestibule chamber, and finally supply the catalase and peroxidase in the vestibule. The hydrogen peroxide would make the insect more poisonous to eat than it was before. A muscle that pulled the duct between the two chambers open, and relaxed to let it close, would help the beetle be more selective about its poison discharges. Even if this valve structure was crude at first, it would have survival value until the side of the duct attached to the muscle could evolve into a little door. The enzymes would be useful the moment they appeared. Even if the beetle's new firing mechanism could not be aimed all that well or if the chemicals were not being secreted in the best proportions at first, the mechanism would still be useful from the start, and the beetle could refine it in time.

That's it. That is all our little beetle had to do. Of course, all of this has to take place with no intelligent design. No actual decision to do it. It just Had to add a few additional compartments , a doorway type valve, BLAH BLAH BLAH.

So, somehow, this creature develops the chemicals that are in other beetles (which, by the way, we have to get past a ridiculous scenario for these other beetles to exist) and then develops chemicals that makes these chemicals volatile and explosive. It then creates chambers where these can mix.

And, according to the author of this paper, in the mid-evolutionary process, none of these chambers and door would be "excess baggage" to haul around.

Now, I am certain that a couple of teams of scientists trying to figure out a way to store and mix these chemicals and expel them with such perfect precision would blow themselves up before a group would finally get this right. And that would be intentional, intelligent design. To think that something could evolve to do this by a series of random mutations? COME ON MAN!!!

I imagine, if someone did the math that cannot be done because we do not have enough understanding to hazard a guess, the "feasibility" of all this happening is even more of a zero than the formation of life is.

This is the kind of "Coulda happened" science that many have decided proves that GOD didn't create anything.

The Monarch Butterfly

A short introduction to another evolutionary impossibility. (Although I think that the very life cycle of all moths and butterflies is an evolutionary impossibility)

The Monarch has a unique way of attaching it's chrysalis to a leaf. At the very last fraction of a second, it released it's grip with it's feet while simultaneously shooting out a suction cup looking attachment that sticks to the underside of a leaf.

Now, if you can imagine how many times a trapeze artist falls before getting an act right, you can see how ridiculous it is to believe this little trapeze act could have, or would have, evolved.

Please try to remember that there is no trial and error possible in evolution. There is no passing on of information when a mutation fails to work right. All of the Monarchs that were halfway mutated to do this trick, died. That is a simple view point I know. But you get the point.

There is no reason this creature would have crawled under a leaf and done this without it being programmed into it's DNA by a master designer.

Evolution?? IMPOSSIBLE!!! There is no possible "coulda happened" for this one at all (though I am sure there is an evolutionist who can make something up)

I just want to point out, for those who do not connect continuing thoughts, that all of this "evolution" would have to result from perfectly written, flawless information in the genetic structure of these creatures that would constitute adding another 100 plus pages of encyclopedia style text.
There is a place to respond at the bottom of the page.

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