Saturday, December 27, 2014


Historical JESUS

I have recently seen an increase in those who refer to “The Christ Myth”. That is, those who deny JESUS came in the flesh. To this, I reply: HA!

It is unlikely that the Romans have ever made much of a list of the thousands of Jews, and others, they crucified. It is equally unlikely that the Sanhedrin, those who convened an illegal assembly, hired false witnesses, and had JESUS killed illegally, would have had their deeds recorded for history.

However, that having been said, I have been in a number of these conversations over the years and in one such conversation the following information was given. I do not know the name of the contributor, but I am certain he wouldn't mind my using this information.


Josephus, Antiquities Book 18, Chapt. 3, part 3:
"Now there arose at this time a source of further trouble in one Jesus, a wise man who performed surprising works, a teacher of men who gladly welcome strange things. He led away many Jews, and also many of the Gentiles. He was the so-called Christ. When Pilate, acting on information supplied by the chief men around us, condemned him to the cross, those who had attached themselves to him at first did not cease to cause trouble, and the tribe of Christians, which has taken this name from him is not extinct even today."

Josephus: Testimonium Flavianum, Book 20, Chapt 9, part 1:
" he assembled the sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned... "

Tacitus Annals, book XV:
"Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular."

Pliny, Letters, transl. by William Melmoth, rev. by W.M.L. Hutchinson (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1935), II, X:96:
"They (the Christians) were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food but food of an ordinary and innocent kind."

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars - Claudius, sec. 25:
"He banished from Rome all the Jews, who were continually making disturbances at the instigation of one Chrestus."

The Talmud, Babylonian Talmud, transl. by I. Epstein (London: Soncino, 1935), vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a, p. 281:
A."On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, "He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. Any one who can say anything in his favor, let him come forward and plead on his behalf." But since nothing was brought forward in his favor he was hanged on the eve of the Passover!"

As well, William Foxwell Albright, one of the worlds foremost known Biblical Archeologists used the Bible as a Guide. As well Nelson Gluek of Harvard, who used the Bible as a guide to find some of the mines of Solomon, stated:
"It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.” Dr. Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert, (New York: Farrar, Strous and Cudahy, 1959),

Hundreds to list? There are the Gospels, there is Acts, there is the apostolic epistles, particularly Paul who is admitted by all scholars to be a very objective witness to the things he describes. There are the disciples of the apostles such as Ignatius of Antioch and his epistles, Clement of Rome, Polycarp, Quadratus of Athens. There is Aristides. There is Josephus, since almost all scholars consider it to have partial genuineness to talking about Jesus being crucified by Pilate, doing great deeds, and the sect of Christians coming from him.

There is Celsus who used ancient Jewish traditions that mention how Jesus could do miracles of what they called them to be things he learned in Egypt, which would then point to the flight of Egypt in Matthew. They mention many other things about him in the Gospels, such as the bird descending from heaven announcing hm to be the Son of God in the river with John the Baptist.

There is Hierocles, there is Porphyry, there is Julian the Apostate, all secular men who hated Christians and still believed their founder lived and did miracles, Julian the Roman caesar even confirming the census in Luke's account being accurate. Julian was considered a very intelligent man historically and philosophically by his contemporary Roman historian Eutropius. Porphyry was considered the first INTELLIGENT debator against the Christian movement, yet not even he denounced Christ's existence nor miracles.

There are the many Christian sources who point to other secular sources or secular beliefs. Tertullian in his address to the Jews of his days talks about how not even they deny Jesus healed the blind, the leper, the deaf, and rose people from the dead among them. He also mentions (as a former Roman lawyer himself) that the archives of Rome preserve Jesus and his family names in them at the time of the census. He said that to the Roman officials as well, reminding them of that evidence they had.

He, Justin Martyr, and Eusebius, all indepenedently testify to Pontius Pilate's contemporary account right after Jesus was crucified, where he wrote to Caesar Tiberius, talking about Jesus of Nazareth healing the blind and sick and raising people from the dead in his province, how he just crucified him, and how the report of him rising from the dead and ascending into heaven was being noised everywhere in his province immediately after he crucified him.

There is Justin Martyr speaking to the Jews in his Dialogue with Trypho and tells Trypho (who was some time of leading Jew in his days) that he and his people were spreading the report ever since Jesus was crucified that his twelve apostles came and stole hs body from the tomb and reminds the Jews how they keep telling it today and how the story is wrong and based on progaganda.

And there are MANY more that I can keep mouthing off. That is why no scholar or professor that I am aware of, or EHrman, or any other apologetic scholar I have read denies Jesus existed, but not just his existence, his crucifixion by Pilate, and baptism by John, and probably a few things I am forgetting.

"Yet, once in a while, I run across someone like Russell who, in spite of the evidence insists on denying that Jesus ever existed at all. One of these occasions happened during a debate sponsored by the associate students of midwestern university. My opponent, a congressional candidate for the Progressive Labor Party (Marxist) in New York, said in her opening remarks: 'Historians today have fairly well dismissed Jesus as being historical.' I couldn't believe my ears. But I was glad she said it, because she gave me the opportunity to show twenty-five hundred students that she had not done her history homework."
(McDowell, NEDV, 119-20)

"Some writers may toy with the fancy of a 'Christ-myth,' but they do not do so on the grounds of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the 'Christ-myth' theories."
(Bruce, NTDATR, 72, 119)

I removed the rest to shorten this blog.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Southern Baptists as the Linchpin

A linchpin - (not to be confused with lynch pin, or lynch tree or lynching in any way) is a word to describe a pivotal, or centrally important piece of a machine. In this case, the need for change in Christian churches of America and the nations. Southern Baptists, as the largest Christian denomination, could be the key linchpin in the machine that is the Christian church that could bring a needed revival to our nation.

I am a southern baptist preacher. I consider myself pretty loyal to the convention. There are those who read my blog and think I am slamming the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But, that is not necessarily so. I have little to no voice in the SBC and there is a real need for a revolution and real change in our organization. Humanism has taken over and it seems that there is a serious blindness to the simple truth of what is going on around us.

Our leaders seem to have come from the same school, read the same books, and are following the same path that keeps leading us further into the darkness, and away from the JESUS we see in the Bible.

In my book, If My People;The Saving of America, I have done what I can to shine a light on this issue in an effort to open eyes and change the course of the Christian church in order to affect the direction of the nation, and all nations.

In a few short videos I have put on You Tube, under the heading of Kross Talk (K. Ross Newland - Kross Talk. Get it?) Anyway, I have continued to try to bring this message to as many as I can.

I also maintain a website, Bless God America,

As a loyal member of the SBC, I love what Southern Baptist is really all about. We do so much good. BUt, the truth is, GOD is going to save souls with or without us. This message, this cause, is more about the type of radical faith and trust that brings the blessings of GOD to a nation. The fact that the world is going rapidly down the tubes is not my actual concern. Not being a part of the reason for it is my concern. In the end, the reason for it is the chastisement of GOD being poured out on HIS people.

If GOD has left an opening for a revival, than it is most likely going to start with this message catching fire and with the SBC repenting of their current course as political thugs and social bullies.

Recently, the LORD has brought a steady stream of “LIKE”s to my Facebook Page. I am not sure I know where they have come from. But, it is encouraging. I hope you will visit all of the pages and outlets this ministry is using and share the message.

Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Defining Southern Baptist

     While I am a new pastor in Rockford, I have been a Southern Baptist for over 20 years. Through out that time, I have heard people refer to Southern Baptists and anything between “The frozen Chosen” to "Holy Rollers” running up and down the isles. The truth is, we are likely all of that and everything in between.
     The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) makes up over 48,000 churches throughout the US and some other countries. Each church is an autonomous (self governing) entity that establishes it's own personality and chooses it's own leaders. These churches then come together to work in concert for the kingdom of GOD and to fulfill the calling of JESUS.
     Through a program known as the Cooperative Program, Southern Baptists fund over 5,000 over seas missionaries. These missionaries build schools and houses and orphanages. They provide free medical treatments and teach the locals to farm, drill wells, raise livestock and create an understanding wherein they are able to improve their lives and strengthen their villages.
Domestically, the Southern Baptist Convention operates the second largest disaster relief organization in America. To bring this into perspective, let's take a look at the recent events of hurricane Sandy.
     Our disaster relief organization was tasked with preparing 100,000 meals a day. Our unique position in disaster relief is that we feed those people who come to take care of the rest of the people. We feed the electrical workers and construction crews. We also provide other workers. In fact, some 700 chain saws and operators were dispatched to help remove debris. Southern Baptist still maintain a large group of people on the ground in that area today and are committed to supporting the needs of the people there through 2016.
     On top of that, each church has it's own ministries. We run a clothe closet at Halsted Road Baptist Church every 2nd Saturday where people can get free clothing. Other local SBC churches have food closets and assist in providing shelter for the homeless and displaced.
     Each Southern Baptist Church provides money to fund all of these efforts and so many more. We come together and work together for the spread of the gospel and the saving of souls. We look after widows and orphans, feed the hungry and clothe the naked. We spend over $6 Billion a year doing it and every time there is a new disaster each Southern Baptist member knows they can give directly to the cause of that disaster and not one penny of their extra gift is used for administration. That is something that no other organization can claim. Not only that, but we never charge a penny for any service we do.
     We received a great gift from JESUS and we give as freely as HE gave.

     I know that many people only hear the list of what we are against. I know that many do not agree with SBC politics. Neither do I. But, there is no other organization that does the good we do as efficiently as we do it. That is why I am a Southern Baptist. Because taking care of people and sharing the good news of what JESUS has done for us is still the primary cause and commonality around which we rally in cooperation.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transgender and Southern Baptists Pt. 3

Let's set the record straight. To be Christian is to follow the leading of The Christ. Politics is about worldly concerns and worldly ways. Jesus didn't have a political agenda. People who follow Him do not have a political agenda. People who follow Jesus are about the kingdom of God and saving souls.

So, when men of God lead His people to use the government and courts to further their idea of His agenda, they are wrong. Jesus said this, “This people draws near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Teaching the precepts of men as if they are the commands of God”.

Nowhere has this been more obvious than with the war against homosexuals and the latest downward turn of Christianity, the hubris and idolatry of declaring transsexual as sin, and the surgeries to correct it. This elevates men into the place and position that only God holds.

It was said to me by one of the staunch supporters of this new movement against transsexuals, that he didn't believe God makes mistakes. Neither do I. I think God has very clear intent in what He does.

IF you look into the resolution that was passed by the Southern Baptist Convention and most of the state associations, you will see resolutions against corrective surgeries based in the idea that God doesn't make mistakes. Interestingly enough, we don't see any resolutions being passed against surgical repair of a cleft pallet, or a misshapen arm, or a congenital heart defect. We don't even have resolutions against surgeries to augment breast size or change a person's appearance. So, evidently, God either didn't make a mistake in forming these different people in the womb, which I believe, or He did make a mistake and that makes it OK to fix the mistake.

Since I do not believe God makes mistakes, but He has given us the knowledge and ability to correct things that seem wrong to us, it makes no sense to argue that transsexuals shouldn't get a corrective surgery for a medical issue that can be corrected.

Now, in that same resolution it states that transsexual is a result of the fallenness of the world and is not in keeping with the original design and intent of the creation. So is every disease and malformation of every person mentioned in the above examples. So, since we know this is not in line with the original intent of our maker, it would make sense to do the surgeries that would correct that.

Further more, the idea that God made them man and woman is the foundation of the argument against transsexual. I do not know of any transsexual who relates to being more than male or female. I do know people who relate to being eunuchs. Which would be different altogether.

There are any Christians who feel that we are a soul trapped in a flesh and blood body. There are some who feel we are a person with a soul. IF we are a person with a soul, then it is possible that we get our gender from our biology. If, on the other hand, we are a soul in a body, then does our gender identity come from our soul or our body?

My final point is this; If God decides to do something new, and He hasn't addressed it in His word, then do we really have the position to determine it to be sin? Suppose God simply decided to do something to test whether His people would stay in their appointed place and pray about it and leave it in His hands, or would step out in humanism and hubris and declare what God has chosen to do is sin. Whether this was His intent is irrelevant. Because, in the end, His people have stepped out in sin and declared something to be sin that God never did.

All God ever asked of His people is to go into the world and tell the good news of the gospel. He never asked us to try to control the world He is in control of and He never asked us to try to control the actions of those around us. If we stay true to what He has asked us to do, He will stay true to His nature and reward that.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Transgender and Southern Baptists Pt.2

I nearly changed the title to Christians instead of Southern Baptists. But, I am a Southern Baptist and I believe they are the hinge pin organization to save or condemn this nation. So, it stays as is.

     I was told that these resolutions are a tiny part of what Southern Baptists do. This is true. But, what they represent is huge and brings the chastisement of GOD upon HIS people and the nations.
Here is the thing. The Christians who have chosen to declare Transgender a sin are playing GOD. Only GOD has the position to declare something is sin. Since GOD hasn't addressed this issue as sin, it is not right for mere humans to do so. That really is sin. And it is unnecessary.
     The Christian habit of turning to government and courts and trust in their numbers to effect change in the world is founded in hubris, humanism and idolatry. To understand why I say this, let me give you my definitions of these.
     Hubris – Extreme pride. The actions that come from an “I know best” mentality. When GOD puts down a perfect plan (go into the world and make disciples) and humans change/add to the plan (take a census and put your faith in your numbers to force folk into submission) that is extreme pride.
     Humanism – The idea that humans are in control of what goes on in the world, and that they can change things. ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF A NATION!!! The idea that humans can effect the course of the nations is contrary to a litany of scriptures.
     Idolatry – Believing in a force that can do something to change the the course of the nation and putting your faith in that force. It is GOD who raises up nations and tears nations down. It is GOD who brings peace and calamity. It is GOD who holds the heart of the leaders in HIS hands and twists and turns them to HIS purpose. It is GOD who establishes all of our authorities. So, when we decide we can stand against what GOD is doing by putting our faith in our numbers and in the people we elect into office, that is idolatry.
     When it comes to recent actions by major Christian denominations, it is the very height of hubris, humanism, and idolatry.
     Suppose GOD just decided to change things. Suppose transgender is another test of HIS people. Whether they would “Trust in the LORD with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding” or maybe they would “Walk by faith and not by sight”. Instead, they choose to play fast and loose with scripture and declare a thing to be sin that GOD never declared to be sin.
     Let's look at a scripture. Romans 1:25-27 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
1:26.    For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27.    And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
     This is a scripture uses to fuel the war against homosexuals. But, surely you can see that this is an act of GOD. It can only be changed by an act of GOD. No government or courts can effect this condition. Yet, because Christians have rejected GOD's plan, they seek to alter the world with laws and coercion. Do you think you can whitewash the exterior and GOD not see the rot inside?
     There is nothing in this world GOD doesn't hold complete sway over. NOTHING!! There is nothing human effort can do, outside of the plan GOD set down for us, to change the direction of the nations. NOTHING!!

     And so I battle. I fight to get my Christian brothers and sisters to see the extreme pride (which GOD resists) the humanism (which is powerless) and the idolatry (which brings the chastisement and punishment of GOD upon HIS people) so that we might humble ourselves before GOD, and turn from our wicked ways, that HE might relent and heal our land.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

GOD's plan

The plan that GOD clearly laid out in HIS word was simple. We, Christians, are supposed to be spread out among the people of this planet as representatives of a kingdom that is not of this world. We were to be salt and light in our communities. We were supposed to take care of widows and orphans and keep our personal righteousness intact in a wicked world.

Operating in this plan, the Christian church grew from 12 disciples into a force for GOD that the Roman empire couldn't resist. Then it went bad.

The Romans made the Christian church part of the government (which was not part of the plan laid out for us). As a result, the Christian church became gangsters and thugs and resorted to bullying and intimidation to make people proclaim a belief. This was not part of the plan and is not reflective of JESUS. This manifestation of the church murdered millions in the name of JESUS (also not part of the plan). It murdered millions of GOD's people, both Jews and Christians.

People left there and came to America to get away from this church. They risked life and limb on the open ocean in tiny boats. But, they brought the evil of that church with them. They burned witches and slaughtered the native Americans in the name of JESUS and Manifest destiny.

Still, good Christianity rose up. Men that I believe were lead of the Holy Spirit of GOD established a nation and wrote a constitution that was intended to make sure the church never violated the plans of GOD or the freedoms of those who chose not to believe. Under this constitution and in a nation so conceived, and dedicated to the proposition that GOD knows what is best, the nation and the church flourished. We became the symbol of all that is right and good in the world.

Then, the Christian church grew complacent. After a good period of nearly 150 years, the nation became spiritually sick to the point that the church woke up and took notice. But, rather than honor the founding fathers of the nation, rather than honor the plans that GOD set down for HIS people, the Christian church  returned to it's previous methods. It once again began to use the heathen courts and the worldly governments in an effort to battle against flesh and blood, with a disregard for the spiritual forces and the spiritual sickness.

Once again, Christians set out to be gangsters and thugs and use there numbers and human effort to bully those who failed to comply. Once again the Christian church rejected GOD's plan and moved forward in pride and hubris. GOD resists the proud and these actions have had nothing but resistance from GOD.

We, who know that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces, must rise up and fight against this stronghold that Satan has in our churches and in our lives. We must stop battling homosexuals and transsexuals and atheists. We must stop using the weapons of this world. We must renounce this course of action completely and make a radical change back to the radical faith and trust that the plan of GOD requires. AND WE MUST DO IT NOW!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Transgender and Southern Baptists pt1

GOD has, for decades now, poured punishment and chastisement down on HIS people with the idea that, when it gets bad enough, they would fall on their knees and proclaim, “It is enough. We have acted wrongly in our human effort and human pride. We have turned away from your ways and have followed the precepts of men as if they are the commandments of GOD”. But, it has not happened.

Time and time again, Christians have engaged in actions in the name of JESUS that JESUS NEVER SAID TO DO. Christians, who I confess have a zeal for GOD (but without understanding) have turned to the heathen courts, the worldly governments, and even violence in the name of JESUS. They have chosen a path of battle against flesh and blood based in a carnal understanding, and have left behind the real battle, and the real power and strength of the Christian people. Faith and trust in GOD.

GOD has destroyed our economy, and raised up leaders who continue to lead the nation into a deeper hole. HE has brought drought and floods and tornadoes and hurricanes. HE has raised up an army of militant atheists and Muslims and homosexuals to oppress and distress HIS people. Still, they will not relent of their human effort and rejection of HIS plans and purposes. So, HE did something new. Something that HE never even addressed in HIS words and laws from HIS prophets.
We call it “Transgender”. The idea that a male personality is trapped in a female biology. Or the other way around.
I was just at the Illinois Baptist State Convention where the issue of transgender was taken up in a referendum. It was stated the there are 700,000 people in this category. An overwhelming number, you would think.
Surely GOD has finally done something that will cause HIS people to fall on their knees and say, “We give up, LORD. We are going to leave all these concerns about the world at your feet and trust that you will handle them the way you choose, and we are going to return to doing only what you have told us to do”. Surely, after seeing all of their failures, they would acknowledge that while GOD has continued to the promised land, they have returned to Egypt. Surely they would see by now that GOD is not with them in the battles they have chosen. After all, in every battle GOD is in, HIS people have victory. Surely, doing something new, doing something that is not even addressed in the Word of GOD, surely THIS will drive them to their knees in surrender and submission. YES?? No!
No. Instead, the leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention and the leaders of the Illinois Baptist State Association draft a resolution that tells GOD and the world that Transgender doesn't exist. I kid you not. This was their action. To deny that transgender exists.
Oh, and the idea that the Bible doesn't even address the issue? They created a whole new doctrine by loosely using the scriptures and twisting them into the shape they needed for this (and adding a little something to it). Then, they created a whole new religious list of do's and don'ts. Yep, a completely made up theology to tell people that transgender doesn't exist and that surgical correction of the afflicted is sin and wickedness. Out of thin air, there came a resolution that is equal to the word of GOD. Even to the point that we were told, “If you do not vote yes for this, it is a sin”.
The basis of this new teaching from the keepers of the Word of GOD? “GOD made them male and female”. That is it. GOD made them male and female. Now, unless I am mistaken (which is always possible) transgender folk only identify with being either male or female. So, GOD made transgender people male or female. This fulfills the scriptures. Because GOD does nothing that doesn't align with HIS holy word.
So, then the new doctrine degenerates to a discussion of genitals. Now, no where in any scripture does it say that a persons equipment determines their gender identity. That is where human understanding adds to the scriptures. “Trust in the LORD and lean not on your own understanding”? Out the window. This new doctrine is all about trusting our own understanding and rejecting the notion that GOD is in control and can do whatever HE wants with HIS creation.
And there we are. GOD is in Heaven saying, “What do I have to do to get this people to acknowledge they can't do anything about anything”. OK, GOD really doesn't think that way because HE knows how stiff necked people are. HE also knows that men will see a problem, or a perceived problem, and try to fix it in their own strength (which is really weakness) because they will not acknowledge that they need GOD, and only GOD, to change things.
You see, GOD can put an end to homosexuality, transexuality, alcoholism, divorce, adultery, economic collapse, and all of the other plagues and chastisements with a snap of the finger. IF HE were going to do it, it will only happen when HIS people, who are called by HIS name, will humble themselves and place all of the worldly cares in HIS hands.
There are those who want to place all this on Satan, and it is true that Satan is the tool GOD uses. But, Satan does nothing original. HE doesn't create. HE only mimics. Transgender is something new. Something that is not referenced in the word of GOD of things past or future. It isn't as if GOD didn't know it was coming. It is as if GOD expects HIS people to see it and then leave it in HIS hands and move on with what they are supposed to be doing.
I stood in front of this freight train at the Illinois Baptist State Association annual meeting and got run over. After I spoke for about 30 seconds (and as you can see, there is more than 30 seconds of issue here) I was asked to make my point. Then a man stood up and said that to not vote yes for this resolution is sin. Then a man stood up and made a motion to table any further discussion and take a vote. All of which was done because the IBSA official who put the agenda together only left enough time to rubber stamp the resolutions.
Southern Baptist associations are supposed to be working for the churches. Each church that wishes to participate in the process sends messengers to communicate the concerns of the churches. Illinois Baptist State Association leaders do not want to hear from them. So, I am left with striving to be heard outside of the Illinois Baptist State Association. Because I believe GOD wants us to get the message.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Human Effort

There is no act of human effort, no amount agreement or numbers of troops of fighters in the courts or the government or on the battle fields of the world, that can in any way alter the course of a town, state, nation or world. The only action that can alter the course of human dignity and social evolution is the action of a sovereign GOD.

There is no fatalism in Christianity. There is only surrender. We are not existing a a state of zero accountability, but rather in a state of absolute (even hyper) accountability. We are not the victims of a power greater than ourselves. We are cared for by that power. We are, however, victims of our own failure to comprehend the GOD of our salvation. We are victims of our own choice to not seek HIM diligently where HE can be found.

Of all the people in this world, there is only one group that should have the knowledge and ability to sustain a condition of life capable to achieving a lasting and permanent flow of blessings and peace for our creator. That group of people is the Christian church.

We alone hold the keys to the heart and mind of GOD. We alone have been chosen to be the recipient of HIS love and promises. Indeed, GOD Himself has testified that we alone or the object of HIS affections and love and it is in our actions that HIS interactions are based and established.
It is unique that within us there is no ability to do good. With all of our learning and our salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are still fully incapable of doing that which is good and right a proper towards GOD without HIS spirit doing it in and through us.

We are not vindicated in this. In fact, it is affirmed in us that we are fully responsible for the chastisements and punishments that come from GOD upon the nations and ourselves. For, indeed, we are all sinners that have fallen short of HIS glory and the calling that is on our lives. We have allowed ourselves to be drawn away from the teachings and precepts of GOD to follow after men, solely because we need to do something and sitting on the couch and praying and trusting in the LORD to handle the ways of HIS world has been described as doing nothing. In truth, it is the most you can do.
There is no other power. There is no other resource. There is no other force in nature or in man. There is, was and always will be, only GOD. In HIM we live and breath and have our being and everything is of HIM and by HIM and for HIM unto HIS magnanimous glory and honor.
If you do not like how GOD is handling HIS business, take it up with HIM. Maybe you will learn something.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hobby Lobby 2

The rest of the story

Since I wrote my first blog on Hobby Lobby and their court case, there has been a decision on behalf of Hobby Lobby. Shortly after the announcement of the decision, my pastor and friend called me on the phone and wondered if I was going to write anything else on the subject. I hadn't really considered it. However, in our conversation I came to a realization and since then I have seen a possible outcome.

The realization is this;

GOD, in HIS infinite wisdom, when establishing the government of this nation, established within it certain checks and balances. One of those is a way to resist the authorities. Since my first blog was based in the idea of Hobby Lobby resisting the authority, thus resisting the GOD who established those authorities, it seems right that I should add that it is also the authority that GOD established that accounts for the court system that way laws are reviewed, and sometimes struck down, in this country.

So, some of the premise for the first blog is slightly off, only in that GOD has established the whole system and Hobby Lobby was within that system. Good on them for the outcome.

The possible outcome;

Since I am one who believes that GOD has set a plan in motion and will complete it, and that plan is the eventual and complete moral decay and physical destruction of this current creation, I see a possible effect from this ruling and the reactions to it that will further facilitate the end the Bible speaks of.

As a result of this blow to Obama and the feminists who really want to be able to murder unborn babies with out discretion, it is very likely that they will band together with their atheist buddies ( the enemy of my enemy..and all that) and write legislation to establish law that will counter the Supreme court ruling. That means that they will have to craft a law specifically against religious organizations or corporate owners of private organizations. However it is worded, it will be specific legislation targeting Christians.

I am not saying they will be successful in their first effort. But, the foundation will be laid and sooner or later the desired result will be obtained. This may not seem possible to those who keep their head in the sand, but when the atheists and Muslims have control, the foundation for the laws to imprison and kill Christians will be in place. I give that about 20 years at the most.

Since Christian are now squarely in the way of the movement, the victory in this case will result in a greater effort to remove the influence of religion in laws. It will be one of the pivotal legal decisions that accelerates the process of de-Christianization of America.

Does that mean it shouldn't have been done? NO. In the end, a victory would have embolden the other side. But now, they will have to craft their laws and regulations with a more specific and careful wording. A lesson they will have learned and will achieve.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

GOD is in Control

It seems as if I have taken for granted that Christians know that GOD is in control. I have simply assumed that the teaching of scripture on this matter is clear. Yet, when I mention that GOD is the one who puts rulers in place, who establishes our president and our congress and our judges and even chooses our parents for us, it is as if I am teach some foreign doctrine or religion.

Daniel 4:17. This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.

Proverbs 20-21:1.The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

And, for those who like to discount the Old Testament;

Romans 13:1. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 13:2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Now, why does this matter? Because, if you do not know this, then you will never seek to understand exactly why GOD is giving us the leaders HE is giving us. Since there are so many Christians who have determined that people decide who is president and who the leaders are, and that GOD exercises no control over these things things or these people, they seek to fix things by fixing the government.

Which is why we do not fall on our face and pray and seek HIS face. We have been led, and are being led, to think we can fix it in our own power. Since we do not acknowledge GOD a sovereign in the affairs of men, we do not see that our efforts are to fight against what GOD is doing. So, we enlist the help of GOD in our fight against GOD to undo what GOD has done.

This is where humanism and humanist doctrines have landed us. We are under the chastisement of ALMIGHTY GOD and we think we can fix it in our strength. (“WE” meaning Christians)

Folks, I implore you to look into this. Learn this truth. Understand that GOD establishes our governments so you can seek to understand what is needed to turn HIS chastisements into blessings. Only Christians can do this. So, only Christians can be held accountable if they do not do this.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Witch Hunt

Once again I find myself compelled by the actions of those I have aligned myself with to write a blog of disagreement. Recently I read an article that said that this group took a vote and decided “Transgender” didn't exist. Really? We can just take a vote and decide something doesn't exist? These are not medical professionals. Most of them probably never heard of Transgender until the last year or two.

This spirit that has gotten such a hold on the Christian church (once again), is the same spirit that burned witches, ran the inquisitions, and allowed Christians to support killing the Jews in Germany. It is a wicked and evil spirit that draws Christian men and women into pursuits that JESUS never suggested we be involved in.

Now, obviously, we as Christians should define what is and is not of Satan. What is and is not of GOD. What is and is not acceptable in the Christian Church. Understanding sin, and defining it for our churches, is good an proper. Certainly no one can argue that point. Since the only information I have been able to find on this vote is from a “news paper”, I do not know the intent or scope of this proclamation. What I do know is that it flies in the face of science and medicine. What I do know is that the idea of a group of non-professionals voting on something doesn't actually alter what that something is. It really just shows Christians as people who choose to be ignorant and stick their head in the sand. It is no wonder we can't accomplish anything in this society when we simply choose to dismiss what we do not like.

It is good to have a zeal for that which is good and right and holy. But, I think a quote from Paul best describes the Christian leaders of our day, “I attest of them that they have a zeal for GOD, but without knowledge.”

I am not sure what this proclamation has to do with the work JESUS sent us out to do. I doubt it will save one soul or lead one lost person the knowledge of GOD. I expect it is just another stumbling block set up between those who need a savior and the SAVIOR they need. This spirit that is at work in this organization is from Satan and those who know JESUS need to pray it out of here.

I love the Christian brothers and sisters of the denomination I belong to, but I really hate a lot of what they are doing, as it has nothing to do with JESUS or kingdom work and is just distracting our time and money from the real task at hand.

“Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.” (From The Baptist Faith and Message)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hobby Lobby

My pastor, bless his heart, asked me a tough question about the situation facing Hobby Lobby and their current court battle. The gist of the question was, “How does what you are saying play out in the real world?” I think I could have written a whole book on this question.

Of course, that was not the question at the time. But, as I pondered our conversation, I had to grapple with the very real aspect of being Christian in this society. There is a simple scripture that I thought would help to answer this question and as I prayed and meditated on it, the LORD gave me an even deeper understanding of some things.

For those who do not know, Hobby Lobby is embroiled in a lawsuit over being forced to supply insurance that would cover certain birth control methods that their founder finds unacceptable and against his religious beliefs as a Christian. There is more to it than that and there are always additional facets to issues that make everything less black and white. Yet, as I thought about it, it really is black and white.

In the book of Romans, chapter 13, the first couple of verses, Paul writes to us a very real truth. ALL authorities are established by GOD and to resist the authorities is to resist the ordinances of GOD.

13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation
In the case of Hobby Lobby, they have chosen to resist the ordinances of GOD by choosing to resist the authorities GOD has set in place. The provisions of Obamacare include the mandate that Hobby Lobby has determined to resist and to defend themselves against.

Regardless of who or why, a lawsuit has been brought against them to force them to comply with the law established by the authorities. In short, Hobby Lobby has chosen to resist the ordinances of GOD, in the name of GOD, and have asked GOD to help them.

They will stand before an authority that is put in place by GOD and will be tried. The outcome of this trial being fully in the hands of the GOD who has established the authorities and the ordinances which are currently at odds with Hobby Lobby and it's religious beliefs. Now, I would not have you fully ignorant of the fact that there is extreme Biblical precedence for this type of resistance to authority.

In the book of Daniel there is a story of three young Hebrew boys who refuse to bow down to a golden idol even though the offense is punishable by death. If I were in the shoes of Hobby Lobby, I would reply to the judge of this case in the exact same way these young Hebrew boys replied to the king.

As a Christian who is more answerable to GOD than to men, I would place all of my hope in the mercy and power of GOD. However, Hobby Lobby is likely placing millions of dollars and a great deal of hope in some slick talking lawyers who have no power at all to affect the outcome of this lawsuit.

My response to the lawsuit would be to ask forgiveness for resisting the authorities and for mercy in the court ruling. My presentation to the judge would go something like this;

“Since I know that the authorities are established by GOD, and these current rulers are in office as a chastisement and punishment of HIS people, I accept that my resistance to the ordinances established by the current leaders of our nation is a resistance to the ordinances of my GOD.

Throughout all of God's dealings with HIS people, HE has chosen to raise up Godless men and nations to take His people into captivity. So it it is today. I, therefore, have acknowledged to God, and now to this court of law, that I stand as the young Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel. We have no defense against the charges brought other than to honor our conscience before God in the way we have chosen.

Whatever happens in this court is in the control of JESUS the CHRIST. Either He will save us from the fiery trials and deliver us from this unscathed, or He will let the full fury of the law and ordinances be felt upon us. Either way, we cannot in good conscience bow down before this king or the idols it has erected.

In times past, America has been a nation of morality and decency. It is sad to see the decay that has taken place over the last 100 years, or even the last fifty.

When this company was founded, it was operated with Christian values and principals in mind. It was started at a time when those things were celebrated. Those times have passed. With them, perhaps, the time for this company. Should it be found true and appropriate that our government should have changed so much as to force a company to fund that which is abhorrent to it's founders, then this court will establish that truth. Should this court establish that truth, then Hobby Lobby will no longer be able to continue to do business under the current rulers of the nation.

The determination of these things is in the hands of GOD. Should HE choose that Hobby Lobby continue or end, HE is to be praised and what HE determines in this courtroom will establish the future of this company.”

With that, I would give all to the hands of GOD and whatever HE decrees through the judge would be so. I know that the government and authorities are established by GOD and the current ones are there to be a chastisement for HIS people. So, even these laws, the laws that Christians wish to oppose, are from HIS hand.

It is a slippery slope when we decide GOD is no longer in control. Since HE controls everything, it is only through real humility and repentance that we will ever see HIS chastisements removed and HIS blessings returned.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Will Pastors Humble Themselves?

As I have moved forward with this ministry, and the message GOD has delivered to me, I am keenly aware that the change in the direction of the church could hinge on the teachings of Pastors. It doesn't necessarily have to, since GOD can raise up HIS people despite them. But, if a Pastor who has been touting the actions of using the government and courts to stop the evils of the world were to get a hold of the message of Bless God America and the book, “If MY People...”, would that pastor be able to stand before his congregation and explain that he had led them in a wrong direction?

Of course, that might not really be necessary. He could just begin to teach the truth and let it change the course of the church. But, that would be a much slower way to do something that really needs to have a sense of urgency.

This also brings up another question; Can this wine be poured into the existing wine skins or does it need to be something new? Should we who have heard the truth try to change the course of existing congregations, or should this be a call like the first one, to call GOD's people out of the worldliness and into a true faith relationship with HIM? I have had to grapple with this question for a while. I know what I would prefer.

I would prefer that those who grab hold of these truths partner with this ministry and stay in their churches to stand against the teachings that are taking HIS people away from HIM. I would rather see a movement in each church.

I know that there is an ensconced teaching in our Christians community that needs to be torn out and cast off. I know that this will be a serious fight of prayer warriors waging a war on their knees with everything they have.

I really hope GOD has a plan to prosper the effort of this ministry.

As I have moved forward with this ministry, and the message GOD has delivered to me, I am keenly aware that the change in the direction of the church could hinge on the teachings of Pastors. It doesn't necessarily have to, since GOD can raise up HIS people despite them. But, if a Pastor who has been touting the actions of using the government and courts to stop the evils of the world were to get a hold of the message of Bless God America and the book, “If MY People...”, would that pastor be able to stand before his congregation and explain that he had led them in a wrong direction?

Of course, that might not really be necessary. He could just begin to teach the truth and let it change the course of the church. But, that would be a much slower way to do something that really needs to have a sense of urgency.

This also brings up another question; Can this wine be poured into the existing wine skins or does it need to be something new? Should we who have heard the truth try to change the course of existing congregations, or should this be a call like the first one, to call GOD's people out of the worldliness and into a true faith relationship with HIM? I have had to grapple with this question for a while. I know what I would prefer.

I would prefer that those who grab hold of these truths partner with this ministry and stay in their churches to stand against the teachings that are taking HIS people away from HIM. I would rather see a movement in each church.

I know that there is an ensconced teaching in our Christians community that needs to be torn out and cast off. I know that this will be a serious fight of prayer warriors waging a war on their knees with everything they have.

I really hope GOD has a plan to prosper the effort of this ministry.

Friday, May 23, 2014

We're here. We're queer. We want your children.

      I was recently reading my book and realized that I had allowed someone who is too young to remember, to soften what I had to say about the homosexual situation in America. I am not anti gay and I do not fear them having what ever life they want to have. I do not care if they get married and the other issues that branch off from that I am on the fence about.
      I remember the Gay Pride marches of the early 90s when grown men with children on their shoulders marched down the street chanting, “We're here. We're queer. And we want your children”. I do believe that the gay community learned that was not an effective way to garner support and good feelings. I am not convinced that their motives are any different today.
      For anyone who reads my book, you may misunderstand this point; I think this entire homosexual issue is just one of many plagues GOD is using to get HIS people to humble themselves. It is part of the continual downward spiral of American (and world) social moral constructs. This is all part of a spiritual sickness that only GOD can cure.
      In all of what we see in the interaction of GOD with HIS people Israel, we see HE continually sells them into the hands of godless nations until they repent and turn back to HIM. That is what my book is all about.
It is never too late for HIS people to turn things over to HIM and trust HIM to fix it. It only takes a simple act of acknowledging that HE alone can turn these things around. HE can end every wicked and evil urge in every human being if HE wants to. HE can reduce them or HE can let them burn unchecked.
      Does the chant mean they want to be pedophiles? Does it mean they want to teach your children to be homosexuals? Was it just an “In your face” chant because straight people say homosexuals are pedophiles. Or was it just a way to say they wanted acceptance and would target teaching your children they are human beings with feelings and rights like anyone else? Probably all of they above. Different reasons from different people.
      What matters is, it was said. It was shouted in the streets. I cannot blame people for wanting to keep a lid on this boiling pot. But, if there is one thing I have learned in my life, keeping a lid on a boiling pot means it will boil over. Taking the lid off and letting it have full freedom, reduces it's volatility.
      There is one other reality to all of this. That is; I am in this world as an ambassador of another kingdom that is not of this world. I am a representative of JESUS the CHRIST, the SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Worldly things are not my concern. What this world becomes as a result of the sin and wickedness in it, is not something any human can control. GOD is still in control and the world is still doing what HE has planned and told us HE would have it to do. I was never told, in any of the scripture, that I was supposed to try to control people or governments or courts. I am told that GOD is in control of all of it.
      So, let me state this as clear as I can. I think homosexuals getting so crazy out of control is part of the many plagues and curses that are coming upon us from GOD as a result of HIS people rejecting HIS ways and commands and precepts and following the precepts and leadership of men (Christian leaders) who are leading us (Christians) away from GOD. IF WE REALLY CARED about GOD or country or our children, we would put all of this right back into the hands of GOD and we would return to doing things HIS way and live lives pleasing to HIM.

                          Humbling ourselves before GOD is not just an answer, it is the only answer.

Friday, April 11, 2014


         I have, once again, been privy to the opportunity to slide into the old ideals and bad doctrines and, once again, I have found myself dragged right smack into the very thing GOD has showed me HE is not happy about. I am loath to say that I had the opportunity to speak, at a time when I most needed to speak, and was instead pulled into the current of worldly concerns and humanist efforts.
         I was once a wanna be politician. I am just smart enough to see things that are wrong and creative enough to see ways to deal with them. Like many (or really ALL) of our politicians, my insights and ideas are based in my understanding and human logic and are to be done in human power. That is the problem. Isn't it?
As a human being, I am not blind tot he plight on man. I see the disintegration of the physical world around me and I think I can do something about it. I want to do something about it.
         I was just at a ministerial fellowship meeting that was intended to be an effort to bring 4 different ministerial fellowships that had divided long ago, back together to work as one. Unity is a wonderful goal. An explanation of the reason for the split was given (which were human reasons based in worldly concerns) and it was clear that all those in the room wanted to work together and be a force for a common goal. There in lies the problem;
         The discussion was started by telling how the city had lost a $28,000,000.00 grant to rebuild a portion of the city because there was no cohesive group involved with acquiring the grant. Then the discussion went from there and was all about creating a political action group and had absolutely nothing to do with JESUS and bringing the blessings of GOD back to the city and the nation.
          I was struck by that reality, right after the end of the meeting as I stepped out of the room. Unfortunately, not be fore I tossed my voice into the conversation by making a comment that continued them down the same path that runs rapidly away from the precepts of GOD and the very message I have been teaching for 10 years. I was once again captured by humanism and the idea of unity. I had my chance and I didn't even see it, let alone take it.
         All I had to do was to stand up and ask, “Where is JESUS in this conversation?” That would have been it. We could have then, possibly, started down the path of determining how we could work together for the kingdom of GOD. But, NNNOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I was caught in the flow, on the band wagon, marching in step with a group of ministers who had no thought to GOD or HIS power and plans. I was once again one of THEM.
          I am ashamed. I am embarrassed. I am angry with myself and really torqued at Satan and how he twists every good thing into something evil.
         This meeting was another evil in a long line of evils. Perhaps the most evil aspect, which I thankfully was not blind to, was that there were some there advocating that those who GOD has separated unto Himself as Holy before HIM, should mingle themselves with those of the religions of Satan and the spirit of anti-christ. Because humanism has not spiritual component.
         What fellowship has the light with darkness? How can one even hope to bring the blessings of GOD to the city when we are so humanist in our thinking that we can mingle that which is Holy and that which is abomination. If you are not striving to bring people to CHRIST, then you are striving against HIM. How can a people who should know they need to do as GOD has said, to have HIS blessing, want to bring those who are against CHRIST into an effort. If our focus is not on the glorification of JESUS and reflecting back to GOD what HE does to save our city and nation, then there will be no power from GOD and there will be no hope.

          I feel as if I have let people down who know the truth. I feel I have let those people who were there down, who don't know the truth. I let me down. If GOD were a man, that HE wouldn't have known what I was going to do (And had it to be so as part of HIS plan) I would say I let HIM down. But, I know my JESUS. I know that this is yet another lesson in why we must be fully prayed up and ready for battle at all times. I am more keenly aware today, then I was yesterday. Perhaps I will be even more so tomorrow. I entered the lions den unprepared. I was focused on the past and the stories of why these ministry associations had divided, and I was not focused on JESUS. I did not come to do battle with Satan because I came under a flag of peace and unity. I will not be so blinded next time. I hope.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Questions From a Used To Be Believer

I was forwarded these question and I answered them. I thought you might like to see it. Feel free to comment.
1. First up, the most obvious Q that come to mind is that if large parts of the Old Testament are only intended for now long dead tribes of Jews, why is it still included in the Bible today? When the Nicene council decided what to include and remove from (and some might say add to) their new holy book, why not remove the parts that were no longer relevant? If the Jesus story is all accurate, then the decision to leave in the Law, with its verbiage as it is, has resulted in thousands of years of confusion, suffering, and death (‘thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’ comes to mind). If the book is perfect, clearly these irrelevant passages should have been redacted to reduce human suffering and death.
The truth is, that the things recorded of these tribes were not recorded for them, but for the future. They are recorded for us that we are able to see and understand the purity and perfection of absolute Holiness. It is through these stories and this history that we see the absolute, and severe, nature of the holy requirements of God.
Look around you today. If we did not have the stories of Israel and their interaction with GOD, we would not be able to see what is happening in the world today and understand it. But, by seeing that this is how GOD relates to HIS children, we see a perfect loving Father who disciplines HIS children to keep them in line with what is best for them. If you do not understand the holiness of GOD, and if you do not understand how Christians relate to the Israel of that time, then you cannot see why the things that are chastising us and punishing us today fit in.
As JESUS stated, HE didn't come to abolish the law but that through HIM the law might be fulfilled. Salvation through the shed blood of JESUS the CHRIST has paid the eternal/spiritual price for sin. But, the relationship with GOD in the physical world is still based in the promises that require a 2 sided relationship. GOD has said, “IF you will do this......I will do this”
2. Also (this is somewhat of a side tangent) – what was the purpose of making a group of people live under such tormentous and dogmatic principles as the Law, just to undo it two thousand years later? Are we to believe that these rules were absolutely necessary in 500 BC, but were no longer needed in 35 AD? What changed that made 35 AD the proper time to offer a reprieve to humanity that couldn’t have been offered earlier? The only people abiding by the Law were the Jews, anyhow, but the sacrifice was purportedly good for everyone, including people on the other side of the planet. And, what did people do before the Law was written? What did the Greeks do, or the Sumerians? Are we to believe that human civilization had not only survived but flourished for thousands of years while under the impression that murder and adultery were morally permissible?
The law of GOD is not a torment or difficult. They reflect the holiness of GOD and what it would take to be as holy. They are a road map to achieving the perfection of GOD in order to live with HIM. What they actually did was show people that there was no way for them to be as holy as GOD. In fact, no person on Earth is able to be as holy as GOD.
GOD chose to raise a people to Himself. HE gave them the laws and the precepts and the revelation of Himself for the purpose of showing who HE is to the world. The other nations do not matter. GOD has a love and commitment to those who are HIS people. The promise of a Savior was to Israel alone. But, in the promise, GOD also included a salvation of the gentiles. JESUS is the Savior raised up to graft in the gentiles. HIS return will fulfill The promises of GOD to Israel.
The problems Israel faced as a result of a failure to live up to the commandments of GOD were not based in a failure to keep the laws, it was in having a complete disregard for the GOD who raised them up.
As far as when or why, GOD has His time table and He does things accordingly. The very real truth of GOD has well been stated by you. HE chose Israel and let the other nation flourish. GOD created a perfect world. Just as drug dealers and sinners flourish today. They exist outside of the law of both GOD and man. Law doesn't establish a nation, GOD does. With Israel, GOD chose to raise that nation up to reflect Him, that He might show His power and grace and fatherly chastisement. What the other nations did, they did. GOD chose Israel to be the object of His love. Of all the families on the Earth, GOD loved Israel and so, of all the families on the Earth, GOD punished Israel for their inequities. We do not see that with any other nation.
You might say that the other nations are better off for it. If all you have is carnal reasoning and you measure by worldly life, then that might be true. But, Israel was the recipient of the greatest gift and they rejected it.
However, this life and this creation is not what it is all about. It is about eternity. In the grand scheme of eternity, what GOD has done here on this blue ball is to establish a people that will be with Him for ever. With those that He created to be with Him forever, He also created the others. He created those who are the object of His love and those who are not. All for His purposes.
Yes, it was common for murder and adultery to flourish. The strong did what they wanted and women had no status. It was the norm for people to have a wife and still go whoring around. Solomon, the king of Israel, had 800 wives and 1,300 concubines. It was very common. The non-Jewish people in JESUS' time put their newborn, unwanted babies on the red hot arms of an alter to sacrifice them. We abort them today. But, it is the same basic concept, worship sex and kill the offspring.
3. Most importantly, whether or not Jesus paid the price for our sins is irrelevant to the question of determining moral boundaries. Jesus’ sacrifice didn’t remove the boundaries of ‘moral’ and ‘immoral’, it only purports to have removed the eternal death penalty for immoral actions. The lines that define ‘moral’ and ‘immoral’ still exist as defined throughout the Bible, whether or not we have to suffer the full consequences of those actions.
True. In fact, Christians, in many ways, have a greater requirement to the moral constructs of the scriptures. Christians have a moral obligation to a law of love that far exceeds the written law.
4. Therefore, the problem I proposed still exists. You may turn a blind eye to the rock theft, and rightly so, but you don’t have the authority to do so under Biblical principles. Whether or not this child and I would be held spiritually culpable for that action is irrelevant – the Bible provides strict, black and white right and wrongs and this theft is deemed a ‘wrong’. Without Jesus’ sacrifice in play, that action would’ve been worthy of eternal death under Old Testament Law (and elsewhere repeated), because the Bible does not grant you the freedom to update its definitions. This is only something man made moral boundaries can do; the rules in the Bible were set in stone 2,000 years ago and are not negotiable.
NO doubt about it. Theft is theft. Turning a blind eye to it is wrong as well. Now, did she know it was theft? If so, then it is also a sin. Sin is in place when intent is in place. As George Carlin would say, “You have to wanna”. So, you being complicit is sin, but her doing it in innocence is not. This is why there is a Bible. It teaches us right and wrong. Until she is taught right and wrong, there is no guilt. Where there is no law, there is no transgression. It is a shame you did not take this moment to teacher these things.
It is also the very reason for the law. The law shows us the requirements of absolute holiness. Most important, the law shows us that we have all sinned and fallen short of the holiness of GOD. So, the law shows us we need a savior. The prophesies of the Old Testament show us that JESUS was the promised Savior who fulfilled the law.
5. This is why the problem with homosexuality still exists. Jesus’ sacrifice may purport to remove the punishment for homosexuality, but it does not grant us the freedom to deem homosexuality as moral (or amoral). It is, and will forever be, immoral in the eyes of God, because God doesn’t offer Biblical writ updates or clarifications. Whatever is in the Bible is in the Bible, and any advancements we make in our thinking are either elections to ignore parts of the Bible or massive leaps to fit the Bible’s texts into our modern day understanding.
This is quite true. Sin is sin and it will always be sin. It is GOD who sets a person free from sin and GOD who may choose not to. IN the end, JESUS is a come as your are savior. There is no doubt that a person who is saved will have a great struggle with the sins they are captive to. However, it is no greater sin than failure to tythe to your church. In fact, failure to tythe is far more an act of the will than being a homosexual. There are too many people willing to overlook their own sin in order to look at someone else.
The idea that our current evolution of the social norms is an advancement is debatable. Moral decay is not advancement of improvement. It is moral decay. As we get closer and closer to the end times, moral decay will be more prevalent. In large part, this is do to spiritual sickness that has invaded the church. The one who holds back evil is all but gone and evil reigns in our churches and our society. Christians could change that by humbling themselves and prayer. But, I have read the book and I know this is a necessary part of the plan.