Monday, June 23, 2014

Witch Hunt

Once again I find myself compelled by the actions of those I have aligned myself with to write a blog of disagreement. Recently I read an article that said that this group took a vote and decided “Transgender” didn't exist. Really? We can just take a vote and decide something doesn't exist? These are not medical professionals. Most of them probably never heard of Transgender until the last year or two.

This spirit that has gotten such a hold on the Christian church (once again), is the same spirit that burned witches, ran the inquisitions, and allowed Christians to support killing the Jews in Germany. It is a wicked and evil spirit that draws Christian men and women into pursuits that JESUS never suggested we be involved in.

Now, obviously, we as Christians should define what is and is not of Satan. What is and is not of GOD. What is and is not acceptable in the Christian Church. Understanding sin, and defining it for our churches, is good an proper. Certainly no one can argue that point. Since the only information I have been able to find on this vote is from a “news paper”, I do not know the intent or scope of this proclamation. What I do know is that it flies in the face of science and medicine. What I do know is that the idea of a group of non-professionals voting on something doesn't actually alter what that something is. It really just shows Christians as people who choose to be ignorant and stick their head in the sand. It is no wonder we can't accomplish anything in this society when we simply choose to dismiss what we do not like.

It is good to have a zeal for that which is good and right and holy. But, I think a quote from Paul best describes the Christian leaders of our day, “I attest of them that they have a zeal for GOD, but without knowledge.”

I am not sure what this proclamation has to do with the work JESUS sent us out to do. I doubt it will save one soul or lead one lost person the knowledge of GOD. I expect it is just another stumbling block set up between those who need a savior and the SAVIOR they need. This spirit that is at work in this organization is from Satan and those who know JESUS need to pray it out of here.

I love the Christian brothers and sisters of the denomination I belong to, but I really hate a lot of what they are doing, as it has nothing to do with JESUS or kingdom work and is just distracting our time and money from the real task at hand.

“Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ.” (From The Baptist Faith and Message)

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