Monday, December 22, 2014

Defining Southern Baptist

     While I am a new pastor in Rockford, I have been a Southern Baptist for over 20 years. Through out that time, I have heard people refer to Southern Baptists and anything between “The frozen Chosen” to "Holy Rollers” running up and down the isles. The truth is, we are likely all of that and everything in between.
     The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) makes up over 48,000 churches throughout the US and some other countries. Each church is an autonomous (self governing) entity that establishes it's own personality and chooses it's own leaders. These churches then come together to work in concert for the kingdom of GOD and to fulfill the calling of JESUS.
     Through a program known as the Cooperative Program, Southern Baptists fund over 5,000 over seas missionaries. These missionaries build schools and houses and orphanages. They provide free medical treatments and teach the locals to farm, drill wells, raise livestock and create an understanding wherein they are able to improve their lives and strengthen their villages.
Domestically, the Southern Baptist Convention operates the second largest disaster relief organization in America. To bring this into perspective, let's take a look at the recent events of hurricane Sandy.
     Our disaster relief organization was tasked with preparing 100,000 meals a day. Our unique position in disaster relief is that we feed those people who come to take care of the rest of the people. We feed the electrical workers and construction crews. We also provide other workers. In fact, some 700 chain saws and operators were dispatched to help remove debris. Southern Baptist still maintain a large group of people on the ground in that area today and are committed to supporting the needs of the people there through 2016.
     On top of that, each church has it's own ministries. We run a clothe closet at Halsted Road Baptist Church every 2nd Saturday where people can get free clothing. Other local SBC churches have food closets and assist in providing shelter for the homeless and displaced.
     Each Southern Baptist Church provides money to fund all of these efforts and so many more. We come together and work together for the spread of the gospel and the saving of souls. We look after widows and orphans, feed the hungry and clothe the naked. We spend over $6 Billion a year doing it and every time there is a new disaster each Southern Baptist member knows they can give directly to the cause of that disaster and not one penny of their extra gift is used for administration. That is something that no other organization can claim. Not only that, but we never charge a penny for any service we do.
     We received a great gift from JESUS and we give as freely as HE gave.

     I know that many people only hear the list of what we are against. I know that many do not agree with SBC politics. Neither do I. But, there is no other organization that does the good we do as efficiently as we do it. That is why I am a Southern Baptist. Because taking care of people and sharing the good news of what JESUS has done for us is still the primary cause and commonality around which we rally in cooperation.

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