Friday, December 26, 2014

Southern Baptists as the Linchpin

A linchpin - (not to be confused with lynch pin, or lynch tree or lynching in any way) is a word to describe a pivotal, or centrally important piece of a machine. In this case, the need for change in Christian churches of America and the nations. Southern Baptists, as the largest Christian denomination, could be the key linchpin in the machine that is the Christian church that could bring a needed revival to our nation.

I am a southern baptist preacher. I consider myself pretty loyal to the convention. There are those who read my blog and think I am slamming the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But, that is not necessarily so. I have little to no voice in the SBC and there is a real need for a revolution and real change in our organization. Humanism has taken over and it seems that there is a serious blindness to the simple truth of what is going on around us.

Our leaders seem to have come from the same school, read the same books, and are following the same path that keeps leading us further into the darkness, and away from the JESUS we see in the Bible.

In my book, If My People;The Saving of America, I have done what I can to shine a light on this issue in an effort to open eyes and change the course of the Christian church in order to affect the direction of the nation, and all nations.

In a few short videos I have put on You Tube, under the heading of Kross Talk (K. Ross Newland - Kross Talk. Get it?) Anyway, I have continued to try to bring this message to as many as I can.

I also maintain a website, Bless God America,

As a loyal member of the SBC, I love what Southern Baptist is really all about. We do so much good. BUt, the truth is, GOD is going to save souls with or without us. This message, this cause, is more about the type of radical faith and trust that brings the blessings of GOD to a nation. The fact that the world is going rapidly down the tubes is not my actual concern. Not being a part of the reason for it is my concern. In the end, the reason for it is the chastisement of GOD being poured out on HIS people.

If GOD has left an opening for a revival, than it is most likely going to start with this message catching fire and with the SBC repenting of their current course as political thugs and social bullies.

Recently, the LORD has brought a steady stream of “LIKE”s to my Facebook Page. I am not sure I know where they have come from. But, it is encouraging. I hope you will visit all of the pages and outlets this ministry is using and share the message.

Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas.

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