Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hobby Lobby 2

The rest of the story

Since I wrote my first blog on Hobby Lobby and their court case, there has been a decision on behalf of Hobby Lobby. Shortly after the announcement of the decision, my pastor and friend called me on the phone and wondered if I was going to write anything else on the subject. I hadn't really considered it. However, in our conversation I came to a realization and since then I have seen a possible outcome.

The realization is this;

GOD, in HIS infinite wisdom, when establishing the government of this nation, established within it certain checks and balances. One of those is a way to resist the authorities. Since my first blog was based in the idea of Hobby Lobby resisting the authority, thus resisting the GOD who established those authorities, it seems right that I should add that it is also the authority that GOD established that accounts for the court system that way laws are reviewed, and sometimes struck down, in this country.

So, some of the premise for the first blog is slightly off, only in that GOD has established the whole system and Hobby Lobby was within that system. Good on them for the outcome.

The possible outcome;

Since I am one who believes that GOD has set a plan in motion and will complete it, and that plan is the eventual and complete moral decay and physical destruction of this current creation, I see a possible effect from this ruling and the reactions to it that will further facilitate the end the Bible speaks of.

As a result of this blow to Obama and the feminists who really want to be able to murder unborn babies with out discretion, it is very likely that they will band together with their atheist buddies ( the enemy of my enemy..and all that) and write legislation to establish law that will counter the Supreme court ruling. That means that they will have to craft a law specifically against religious organizations or corporate owners of private organizations. However it is worded, it will be specific legislation targeting Christians.

I am not saying they will be successful in their first effort. But, the foundation will be laid and sooner or later the desired result will be obtained. This may not seem possible to those who keep their head in the sand, but when the atheists and Muslims have control, the foundation for the laws to imprison and kill Christians will be in place. I give that about 20 years at the most.

Since Christian are now squarely in the way of the movement, the victory in this case will result in a greater effort to remove the influence of religion in laws. It will be one of the pivotal legal decisions that accelerates the process of de-Christianization of America.

Does that mean it shouldn't have been done? NO. In the end, a victory would have embolden the other side. But now, they will have to craft their laws and regulations with a more specific and careful wording. A lesson they will have learned and will achieve.

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