Thursday, February 27, 2014

Forgetting The Past

Forgetting the Past

It is regularly stated that forgetting the past condemns us to repeat it. This probably is never more true than in seeing those of GOD's kingdom interact with the kingdom of this world.

Now, most of the time, I use the history of Israel and GOD from the scriptures in an effort to show how we are repeating the same pattern in the Christian churches today. However, there is a more current history that aught to shine as a beacon of truth for those who would have the church influencing the government and courts in ways that bully smaller groups of people.

A friend of mine, a number of years back, went to Belgium for a conference/synod to discuss his doctoral thesis. He came back with this story;

One Sunday he and a group of preachers were out looking for a church to attend. What they found was a few churches with chains and padlocks on the doors. So, they began to discuss amongst themselves that they could just start preaching in the street. As this discussion began, they noticed a newspaper vending machine. On the front of the paper in it was a story of a preacher who got arrested for preaching in the street.

If you have any understanding of the government of this nation, then you know that just a couple hundred years ago the government was the church. Not only did the government pass laws to control the masses, but if you had any question about doctrines or Bible interpretations, you took it to the parliament.

The lesson here seems obvious. The Church is not supposed to be passing laws and interfering in the affairs of the world. We have laws from GOD that are for HIS people. We cannot force those laws on a world and a kingdom that they are not intended for. In the end, the world will rebel and Christians will loose the freedoms they once had.

This will happen in America. This will come to pass. We Christians have established the very real fact that we need to be silenced. It is not too far away from now that there will be laws that say where we can and cannot preach the gospel or share the message. After all, it is not an infringement on our religious rights to limit where we can preach. We will still have the right to believe as we choose and teach and preach in our buildings.

This will not be an infringement on our freedom of speech. After all, we are not being told what we can and cannot say, just where we say it.

This is the legacy that we have established for our children and their children by not learning the lessons of the past. This is the foundation upon which the world will shut up those annoying Christians. We will only have ourselves to blame as we have abused our position and power in this nation and throughout the world.

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Monday, February 24, 2014

A Christian Voter

The title isn't talking about me. It is an “IN GENERAL” statement.

If you have read my blog, then you know that I cannot get on board with what Christian politicians are selling as a Christian agenda. As I have pointed out, I have read the Bible a few times, studied it for 20 years, and what I see in it simply doesn't walk with what I see Christians doing in this world.

You can read the blog on Christian gangsters and bullies. You can read the blog on Sanctity of marriage. You can read any of my blogs, or my book (when it comes out) and you will see that there is a sharp difference between what I see in the Bible and what Christians are being fed by those with a social and/or political agenda.

So, I have a problem. I cannot vote for a Christian who is running on a platform that flies in the face of the precepts of GOD and the Bible, and our founding fathers and the Constitution of America. Because, to me, this is treason against my JESUS and the kingdom to which I belong,  and against the nation of America where I currently live.

I cannot vote for a person who is not a Christian because they have no power or position to be able to bring the blessings of GOD back to this nation;

  Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Our nation is suffering from a spiritual sickness that only GOD can over come. GOD will only do this when HIS people put their faith and trust in HIM and not in government and courts. HIS blessings only come when HIS people are humble and can clearly see that they can do nothing without HIM and anything in HIM.

I have said it a dozen dozen times over and over again. GOD set down a perfect plan for how the world might go forward in it's fallen state as a relatively moral and decent place to live. HIS people needed to follow that plan, and need to return to that plan, if it is ever going to happen that we will see real prosperity of the spiritual and physical.

All of that rests not on Christians trying to force others to live the way they think they aught to, but on letting the world go about it's merry way and returning to the task GOD has given us. That task is to call HIS people out of the world and into HIS kingdom. If we do it well, then we either improve the condition of the nations for all of the people, or we reach the last person whose name is written in the book of life and JESUS returns and this creation gives way to the next.

Either way, the only thing that works is for Christians to humble themselves and pray and seek HIS face and turn from THEIR wickedness.

As always, you can reply below or you can go to my face book page and post.

Friday, February 21, 2014

THE CHRIST and Israel

There is no greater writer of the life of the coming Messiah what Isaiah wrote some 765 years before JESUS had HIS ministry, life, death, and resurrection.


42:1. Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.

42:2. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

42:3. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.

42:4. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.

42:5. Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:

42:6. I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles;

42:7. To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

The promise to Israel is that a servant of the LORD would come who would be a "light to the Gentiles".

One of the greatest teachings in the Bible concerning the relationship of Christians and Israel is found in the book of Romans. Here, Paul weaves a complete picture of how JESUS is promised to Israel and rejected by Israel when HE appears. Then Romans goes on to show how GOD has blinded their eyes that the gospel might be preached to the Gentiles.


11:25. For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

11:26. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

11:27. For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

11:28. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes.

So, we see that Isaiah, 765 years before JESUS came, speaks of HIM. We see the fulfillment of this and many prophecies of the suffering saviour by the life and ministry of JESUS.

(Isaiah chapter 53 is also a good look at JESUS in the Old Testament)

Still, even as Paul wishes his kinsmen in the flesh would turn to JESUS and be saved, that they might know the fullness of the love of GOD in CHRIST, he acknowledges that Israel is, and always will be, the chosen and favored people of GOD.

In the end, when the "fullness of the gentiles comes in" (that is, "when the last gentile whose name is written in the book of life is saved") then Israel will see the return of JESUS and will see HIM as the conquering king they were looking for.

They will also see that their rejection of THE CHRIST has resulted in a relationship between the gentiles and GOD that will provoke Israel to jealousy and drive them back to the GOD of their salvation.

While Paul takes many verses to teach this truth, and there is much more in those verses, the step by step teaching in Romans leads to this point (For Israel, to me, this is the climax of the book of Romans)

There are a number  of places in the writings of the prophets of GOD where they tell the nation of Israel that GOD is going to raise a new people to Himself. It is said that HE will choose a people who are not a people and where it was said to them "You are not a people" it will be proclaimed "you are the people of GOD"

Christians are the fulfillment of that promise and the promise to Abraham that in his seed (not seeds, but seed) all the nations would be blessed. Indeed, GOD has called people from every tribe and nation, in JESUS, "1:3. ... which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 1:4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:"

Still, there are more Gentiles to be saved before JESUS will return. And, as Isaiah says, the isles will wait. The most remote parts of the world will be reached before the work of THE CHRIST is ended on this Earth and JESUS comes to collect HIS people.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Creation and "It coulda happened"

Ideas and Understanding about Creation

It coulda happened

There are those folk in the world who do not think GOD created the Earth and that in some series of random events, all of creation just came to be. The basic idea is that if you put enough chemicals together with other minerals and rocks, and leave it for a long enough period of time, it will come to life. The biggest ingredient on this belief is time.

I believe there truly are people who believe that a room full of monkeys with typewriters would write the entire works of Shakespeare, given enough time.

They sight evidence that can be seen today, add the ingredient of time, and that shows them how something "could" have happened.  Having then contrived a scenario of how things "could" have happened, they teach it to our children as if it actually did happen that way.

Throughout all of my discussions with people who believe in evolution and life originating from nothing, and the Big Bang Theory, the reality of the discussions is that these are things that "could" have happened.

This type of "science" has spawned some very militant atheists who feel it is important to undermine the faith of those who believe in GOD and creationism with the idea that the fact that something "could" have happened means GOD is no longer necessary to explain creation.

The problem with this is that our belief in GOD is not based in the physical world or the possibility that it "could" have come about in some other way. Our faith is based in the fact that GOD has revealed Himself to us and touched us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT in such a way that HE changed our nature (very being) from one who sees the world through the physical, to one who sees the world through the eyes of the spiritual. The revelation of GOD, by GOD, to HIS people is not something that can be shared with those who cannot see HIM. We can tell them about HIM, but until GOD opens the eyes, until GOD gives them ears to here, until GOD grants that they can understand, they will not.

I can no more put my faith in something that "could" have happened and is not proven to me, than an atheist can put his faith in a GOD that is not proven to them.

It has been said, and rightly so, to argue with an atheist about GOD is like arguing with a blind man about the color of a sunset.

In the end, if a person cannot see GOD, then the best they will ever have is "coulda happened" this way or that way.

I will stay with my blessed assurance that GOD created the heavens and the Earth. Because the evidence is clear that this really could not have come about in the scenarios that lead to the statement, "it coulda happened".

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Scientists all over the world have come across unique creatures that cannot have "evolved" into what they are. The basis of this statement being that there is no logical evolutionary track to achieve the final product.

Bombadier Beetle

One of the most profound examples of this is the Bombardier Beetle. The Bombardier beetle is a small creature with an amazing self defense mechanism. This beetle has a storehouse of a series of chemicals that, when mixed together, create a volatile, explosive mix that it then propels out a a rear mounted cannon at an extremely high temperature to burn attackers and sometimes to take down food.

Now, the creationist who first wrote this up as proof of creation made some mistakes in his presentation and cast doubts on his conclusions. I am including a link to the evolutionist response to this scientist's claims so you can see the truth for yourself.

I am adding a quote from the explanation of how the Bombardier Beetle could have evolved based on the make up of other beetles.

Therefore, all the pre-bombardier beetle had to do was direct some of that hydrogen peroxide into its collection bladder, develop a little valve between the collection bladder and vestibule chamber, and finally supply the catalase and peroxidase in the vestibule. The hydrogen peroxide would make the insect more poisonous to eat than it was before. A muscle that pulled the duct between the two chambers open, and relaxed to let it close, would help the beetle be more selective about its poison discharges. Even if this valve structure was crude at first, it would have survival value until the side of the duct attached to the muscle could evolve into a little door. The enzymes would be useful the moment they appeared. Even if the beetle's new firing mechanism could not be aimed all that well or if the chemicals were not being secreted in the best proportions at first, the mechanism would still be useful from the start, and the beetle could refine it in time.

That's it. That is all our little beetle had to do. Of course, all of this has to take place with no intelligent design. No actual decision to do it. It just Had to add a few additional compartments , a doorway type valve, BLAH BLAH BLAH.

So, somehow, this creature develops the chemicals that are in other beetles (which, by the way, we have to get past a ridiculous scenario for these other beetles to exist) and then develops chemicals that makes these chemicals volatile and explosive. It then creates chambers where these can mix.

And, according to the author of this paper, in the mid-evolutionary process, none of these chambers and door would be "excess baggage" to haul around.

Now, I am certain that a couple of teams of scientists trying to figure out a way to store and mix these chemicals and expel them with such perfect precision would blow themselves up before a group would finally get this right. And that would be intentional, intelligent design. To think that something could evolve to do this by a series of random mutations? COME ON MAN!!!

I imagine, if someone did the math that cannot be done because we do not have enough understanding to hazard a guess, the "feasibility" of all this happening is even more of a zero than the formation of life is.

This is the kind of "Coulda happened" science that many have decided proves that GOD didn't create anything.

The Monarch Butterfly

A short introduction to another evolutionary impossibility. (Although I think that the very life cycle of all moths and butterflies is an evolutionary impossibility)

The Monarch has a unique way of attaching it's chrysalis to a leaf. At the very last fraction of a second, it released it's grip with it's feet while simultaneously shooting out a suction cup looking attachment that sticks to the underside of a leaf.

Now, if you can imagine how many times a trapeze artist falls before getting an act right, you can see how ridiculous it is to believe this little trapeze act could have, or would have, evolved.

Please try to remember that there is no trial and error possible in evolution. There is no passing on of information when a mutation fails to work right. All of the Monarchs that were halfway mutated to do this trick, died. That is a simple view point I know. But you get the point.

There is no reason this creature would have crawled under a leaf and done this without it being programmed into it's DNA by a master designer.

Evolution?? IMPOSSIBLE!!! There is no possible "coulda happened" for this one at all (though I am sure there is an evolutionist who can make something up)

I just want to point out, for those who do not connect continuing thoughts, that all of this "evolution" would have to result from perfectly written, flawless information in the genetic structure of these creatures that would constitute adding another 100 plus pages of encyclopedia style text.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Follow Directions


In the book of Exodus, Moses is given very specific direction on how to build a tabernacle of the LORD for the nation of Israel. These instruction were given to him by GOD. The detail in the instructions could almost be considered too picky. The LORD is very meticulous in the details and HE expects those details to be carried out.

Suppose Moses decided that the plan wasn't ornate enough. Let's say he decided to do all that the LORD had said to do, and then added some details of his own. How do you think GOD would react to that? Do you think he would reward Moses for being a free thinker? Or, do you think HE would choose not to live in this tabernacle? Do you think GOD, having putting down a perfect plan, would still bless the work with HIS presence and power when a man decides to alter the perfect plans of GOD.

For any human to decide that the plans of GOD are incomplete, or not adequate, is hubris. It is the pinnacle of pride and arrogance. When GOD has put down a perfect plan, it must include an absolute trust and faith in GOD and HIS power. Adding to this plan, or taking away from this plan, will result in a loss of the blessing of GOD with regard to the plan. GOD puts down perfect plans. Humans who choose to add to them show a lack of trust, faith and respect for GOD. How can HE bless that?

I keep trying to get the attention of just a couple of Christians who will see this truth, understand the truth, and spread the truth. This is the truth. Humanism (the faith in human effort) is contrary to a faith in GOD and the humility required to bring HIS blessings. We must follow HIS plans perfectly and not establish plans for ourselves and expect GOD to just do as we want.

The Christian community is continuing to follow the precepts of men, and not the precepts of GOD. They continue to add to the plans GOD has set down with an expectation that GOD will just honor what they want to do. That is not how it works, That is why evil is prospering. That is why Christians are loosing battle after battle.

GOD gave us a simple plan. Go into the world and preach the gospel and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That plus trusting in the LORD with all of your heart and leaning not on your own understanding, is the total of what GOD has given for HIS people to do. That is the plan. It is a perfect plan. So, why add to it?

Do you think that court battles with the people JESUS came to save, in HIS name, will bring the blessings of GOD? Do you think that using the government to stop sinners from doing what sinners do is going to work?

This war that has been waged against homosexuals has benefited every group that is against Christians. It has weakened our nation and cast JESUS in a light that makes HIM look intolerant and hateful. While the arms of GOD are spread open wide to save the lost, Christians are chasing the lost away. What people are calling an effort to “protect marriage” is really just fear that sinners have more influence than the HOLY SPIRIT. It is humanism trying to fight a spiritual war. It will never work.

Christian, you hold the power to change the world. You hold the power to put an end to all evil and all sin. You are the only one who can do this, because you are the only one who can please GOD and bring HIS blessings back to the nations. We MUST return to the simple plan of GOD and trust HIM to bring the changes. This is a spiritual war, and only GOD can change the spirit of a person or a nation. You MUST put trust in HIM and HIS plan and stop these added efforts that GOD never said for us to do.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What America Means to Me

America was first and foremost founded to be “the land of the free”. Our constitution was written to protect the, “unalienable rights” that all men were endowed with by “their creator”. These rights are, The right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. However, around 100 years ago, the focus of government was changed, lead by good, well meaning Christian folk who saw evil rising and tried to stop it with worldly weapons. The result has been a cascade effect that has resulted in government attempting to restrict the right of all men to pursue happiness in their own way.

           There is an unfortunate history in the Christian Church of people doing things that God didn't tell us to do. Whether it is the crusades, or the inquisitions, or burning witches, good meaning Christian folk have forsaken the commands of Jesus to follow the leadership of men. This is something Satan has done. He has done it well and Christian folk do not seem to notice the results.

            James Madison said it best, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind of self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” These are word of understanding and they echo the men who understood the value of freedom from religious oppression. They understood the value of the power of the gospel to sustain a nation. They understood the power of a trust in GOD that would overcome all evil.

Despite how many times we hear it, America wasn't founded to be a democracy. It was founded to be a constitutional republic. It wasn't founded with the idea that 51% of the population can bully 49% of the population. The constitution is supposed to protect the rights of the individual. In doing this, it would protect the whole.
               Still, someone decided to pass laws that were contrary to that constitution to stop people from drinking. The result was people, innocent and not, being gunned down in the streets. Police officers giving their lives to stop a people who are supposed to be free, from exercising their freedom. Did we learn from this?
Today, we have laws to stop people from exercising their freedoms and people are being murdered in the streets, both innocent and not, and police are sacrificed every day.

Whether it is drug laws, or same sex marriage bans, or the latest efforts of government to take our freedoms in the name of security and taxation, every time we trample the rights of an individual we lay the foundation for the loss of all rights for everyone.
               America was founded well, and went astray. We need to get the government out of peoples private lives and trust in the GOD of our founding fathers, and the people of the nation, to see the value of self control in society.
We don't need more laws, we just need leadership.



Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sanctity of Marriage

I am not interested in supporting sin. Which goes both ways. I am not interested in being known as a gay rights activist and I am not interested in being part of a move away from the precepts of GOD, by Christians,  to follow the precepts of men. I trust that my GOD is in control of things, and when HIS people act according to HIS precepts, HE will act in our world to make things as they should be. I had to set that out there because there is an internal struggle I have in teaching a Biblical truth that makes it seem I support sin.
I do not support sin.

I do support human rights. I support every persons right to choose a lifestyle that makes them happy. I support Holiness and righteousness and the precepts of GOD. So, in my many writings, I have tried to deal with how Christians have turned from the precepts of GOD to follow the precepts of men, and how this is just wrong.

Let's define this term that is so often used by Christians to support their claim that they are doing what they do in order to fulfill what they see as their role in this debated issue.


My definition: The condition of being in a state of sanctification. Anything GOD has established in HIS word as something good. Anything covered by the shed blood of JESUS the CHRIST.


My definition: A union. Something joined together. The joining of  two people, usually between two people of the opposite sex. It is also used of any union, “the perfect marriage of form and function” or “The perfect marriage of chocolate and peanut butter”


The state or condition upon which two people are declared to be married, as outlined in Holy Script. Specifically, the union of one man to one woman in the presence of GOD and including a covenant with each other and GOD.

That is about the best I can do with that. The real truth of what marriage is, as established in the Bible, is a covenant relationship between two people of the opposite sex with each other and with GOD. This is inviolate. It is solid fact and written truth revealed from GOD to all of mankind. However, that is all it is. It is nothing more than that. (not intended to diminish marriage, but intended to keep it in proper perspective)

How the phrase is being used by Christian advocates has reached far beyond this simple truth. While GOD has established what marriage is to HIM and what it should be to every Christian, HE didn't establish what it is to those who are not HIS. HE also, very clearly DID NOT establish, in any way, that a marriage consists of a contract between the government and two people that would include certain rights to benefits established by that government. There is not one place in all the Bible that establishes rules and regulations for those who are not HIS people and there is certainly not a single place that establishes anything between the government and people as “Sanctified” or having “Sanctity”.

Unless something is covered by the blood of JESUS, it is not sanctified. No contract with the government is ever going to be established in the shed blood of JESUS the CHRIST. No matter what the world and the government call it, it is still not sanctified. I wish Christians and Christian churches would have marriages that are in accordance with GOD's word and precepts, that didn't include the government contracts. But that is a different blog.

If two atheists walk into a magistrate's office and sign a contract with the government to be treated as married so they can get all the government benefits from being married, is that “Sanctified”? NO!!! It is not. It doesn't matter if it is a man and a woman, two men or a dog and a cat. There is not, nor has there ever been, sanctity to this process we call marriage.

We in the church have what is properly called “Holy matrimony”. Holy matrimony is established in the word of GOD as a state of sanctified union between a man and a woman and GOD. No one and nothing can change that. No courts, no laws, no government can ever take that away or alter what it is. There might be those who will use the phrase in an unholy service that doesn't recognize these truths. There is nothing we can do about that.

As Christians, we should stand up for what GOD has established, and has established we should stand up for. But, HE never called us to be social engineers or to try to force the laws of HIS kingdom into the kingdom of this world.


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Monday, February 3, 2014

Christian thugs, bullies, and gangsters

Christian thugs, bullies, and gangsters

                There are those in the Christian community that have determined to gang together and bully smaller groups of people into submitting to what they think is proper and right. The problem is, thuggery is never proper and right.
                These people do not represent JESUS, the Bible, or most Christians. However, they cause controversy and as a result, they get the media attention that real Christians (those who follow the teachings of JESUS the CHRIST) do not. Real Christians do not garner such attention because we are doing what GOD told us to do, and we are not doing what GOD didn't tell us to do.

                 The real issue is, as we have seen in many other situation, is that when you choose to be a bully or a gang, and you start bullying someone, or a small group, then there will be those who are not of that group, who see that what you are doing is wrong, who will come to the aid of those being bullied.

                The consequences, of course, are that JESUS is getting a reputation as being a hateful and intolerant LORD and HIS people are being limited in their effectiveness at showing the world the true meaning of being a Christians.

                As one who is in this world, and not of this world, who is a citizen of a different kingdom and a representative of that kingdom in this world, I want to tell every person who will hear me that what you are seeing in the media and from a few “Christian leaders” is not who JESUS is and they do not represent the foundational precepts of GOD or the Bible. They have rejected GOD and his plans and precepts and have chosen to follow the precepts of men.

                I encourage you, because I know you know the difference between what you see of Christians and what you see in JESUS, that you not let Christians and their actions come between you and the truth of JESUS. Because there is still one truth, above all truth:

Acts 4:12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”.

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